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We support disability research, provide workforce training, and create an equitable future for all. 

The Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) is a national association that supports Network members in their research, training, education, and service so that together, AUCD and Network members can promote the quality of life, health, and well-being of people with disabilities.

Young black girl with braids wearing a sweater and jean using a manual wheelchair smiling at the camera.

About Us

AUCD is a diverse Network of practitioners, researchers, educators, Emerging Leaders, people with disabilities, community advocates, and professionals.

A young adult sits next to and communicates with student in blue shirt using AAC device.
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AUCD is a strong presence in every U.S. state and territory and grows leaders with the skills and dedication to make a difference throughout the world.

The map of the United States of America, Mexico, and territories with markers indicating AUCD Network Centers and Programs.
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AUCD promotes innovative thinking that will advance disability policy, research, and advocacy initiatives. Join AUCD and 1,000 others at this year's AUCD Conference in Washington, D.C.

A group of young adults stand arm-in-arm with trees in the background.
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Young white boy in a wheelchair siting at a table with game and smiling.

The AUCD Network provided technical assistance to more than 513,000 people and organizations. More than 965,000 received continuing education and 177,000 families received clinical services such as an assessment or therapy.

A white older white woman adult wearing a blouse she is sitting in chair near window smiling.

The AUCD Network produced more than 13,900 expert products including newsletters, books and book chapters, conference presentations, academic and online courses, fact sheets, and press communications.

A young black man with a shaved head and beard wearing a button-down shirt and pants talks to a group of people.

The AUCD Network trained 4,300 trainees in more than 47 disciplines such as audiology, physical therapy, social work, dentistry, child development, early intervention, amongst others.

All figures based on 2024 data.