AUCD 2025 Conference

November 16-19 | Washington, D.C.

Presenter Requirements

Tawara Goode, a black woman with black twists wearing a black tops speaks from a podium.AUCD strives to make the spaces, presentations, and the overall Conference experience as accessible and inclusive as possible. Each year, we gather feedback from attendees and revisit our accessibility efforts to be responsive to needs. We recognize that accessibility means different things to different people, but that there are basic steps that can be taken to ensure full and active participation by all attendees.

AUCD's overall goal is that each presenter will take the needed steps required to make sure their information can be accessed and understood by all. It is our intent that presenters fully consider their potential audience when preparing and delivering their presentation, and that attendees feel comfortable going into any presentation with the understanding that they will be able to participate fully in any session.

This year, AUCD is paying extra attention to presentation accessibility as we work to model inclusion for all. Presentation accessibility means the way information is shown, spoken about, or otherwise presented. It applies any time information is being presented: in large and small AUCD Conference sessions, posters, and meetings. 

Why is presentation accessibility important?

People in the audience come from all different backgrounds and have a variety of different abilities, some of which are obvious and some which are not. Presentations that have a lot of visuals, small text, or complex charts may not be able to be understood by an attendee who is blind or has low vision or is color blind. Presentations that use a lot of acronyms or so packed with information that the presenter rushes may not be able to be understood by someone with a limited understanding of English or who needs a slower pace. Presentations that use uncaptioned videos may not be able to be understood by someone who is deaf or hard of hearing. Every presenter should plan ahead to make sure that everyone who might be in the room can understand and access the content of the presentation. 

What is required at the AUCD 2024 Conference? 

AUCD is asking all presenters at the AUCD 2024 Conference to pay close attention to our below list of accessibility requirements. These requirements are broken down into two sections: presentation accessibility and material accessibility. Below is a set of short, easy steps for each section that all Conference presenters must follow.

Is the presentation accessible? 

  • All videos must have captions embedded. 
  • Limit the use of acronyms. When acronyms are necessary, spell them out frequently. 
  • Thoroughly describe all images, charts, and graphs used and their relevance to the presentation. 
  • Always use the microphone. If someone speaks without a microphone, repeat what was said into the microphone. 
  • Slow down your speaking style so the audience can follow and have the opportunity for questions. 

Are the materials accessible? 

  • Have alternate versions available for everything being presented.  
    • Bring print copies of any visuals used. 
    • A large print (18pt font) handout. 
    • Have a downloadable version available of your poster/handout/PPT. 
    • NOTE: It is very important that AUCD receive your presentation in advance so that it is in the app and on the Conference website for attendees who need to review it in advance or in an alternate format at the Conference.  
  • Use large fonts: 
    • Poster: minimum of 72pt font for the title (recommended 158pt), minimum of 36pt font for the text.  
    • PPT: minimum of 44pt font for the title, minimum of 36pt font for the text.  
  • Use high color contrast: visit to determine if the colors are high enough contrast. 

How will I be supported in making my presentation accessible? 
Will my presentation be checked for accessibility? 

AUCD believes that we all share the goal of full inclusion, and that it is in the presenters' best interest to ensure that their session is fully accessible. AUCD will not be checking presentations for accessibility, however, we will take the following steps to review accessibility, give feedback, highlight accessibility done well, and provide support: 

  • Detailed information and resources on what is expected this year as well as examples of good presentation accessibility are posted on the AUCD Conference website. 
  • AUCD will send reminder emails about accessibility and materials submission, and provide phone and email support for presenters who have questions about presentation accessibility leading up to the Conference. 
  • Representatives throughout the Conference will be looking for accessibility done well and providing constructive feedback. 
  • A portal is available on the AUCD website for all presenters to submit their presentations in advance (whether a concurrent or poster) so they can be put on the Conference app and be accessible by attendees prior to the session. 
  • A tip sheet of on-site presentation reminders will be sent in advance to presenters and provided in the session rooms. 
  • Concurrent and poster evaluations will be available both in the app and in paper form for attendees to provide feedback about presentation accessibility. 
  • Want to take your presentation beyond our basic requirements? We highly recommend using plain language, including text descriptions on images, and more.  
  • AUCD hopes that presenters and attendees support each other with constructive feedback and create a positive environment in which to explore and learn about presentation accessibility. This might be standard practice for some, but very new to others. 

Thank you for being an active participant in this effort and helping us Lead Change in presentation accessibility and work towards a model Conference where everyone can participate. We also hope this provides you with the information and tools to make all of your presentations more accessible beyond the AUCD Conference. 

Learn more about how to make your presentations, posters, and handouts accessible with support from these additional tools and resources

If you have questions or feedback about the accessibility of the AUCD Conference, please email AUCD and an AUCD staff member will follow up with you.