AUCD 2024 Conference

November 3-6 | Washington, D.C.

Join us for the AUCD 2024 Conferencetest

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About This Year's Conference

The AUCD Conference brings together more than 1,100 researchers, policymakers, practitioners, professionals, advocates, community leaders, and students. This annual event is designed to promote innovative thinking that will launch disability policy, research, and advocacy initiatives to the next level. With a theme of Stronger Together: Creating a More Inclusive World, this year's Conference focuses on the core of the AUCD Network, recognizing that collaboration is critical to advance the rights and opportunities for and with people with disabilities through research, training, education, and service. We hope you will join us this November in Washington, D.C. where Network members across diverse disciplines and backgrounds and members of the disability community will come together stronger than ever as driving forces to create positive change and to build a more inclusive world for all. Please note that November 3-5 will be in person and Wednesday, November 6 will be virtual for all. 

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Conference FAQs


Posters and




with Disabilities

Become a Sponsor

A woman wearing a black sweater with gray hair speaks at a podium during a concurrent session.

AUCD is looking forward to welcoming more than 1,100 attendees to the AUCD 2024 Conference this November. Attendees represent a vast network of community leaders, researchers, policymakers, practitioners, professionals, advocates, and students. AUCD is committed to providing sponsors and exhibitors the opportunity to engage with and reach out to attendees. The AUCD Conference is designed to promote innovative thinking that will catapult disability policy, research, and advocacy initiatives to the next level.

Sponsor the AUCD 2024 Conference
A woman wearing a black sweater with gray hair speaks at a podium during a concurrent session.

Registration is Open!

We welcome AUCD Network members, non-network organizational partners, experts from all across the disability field, individuals with disabilities, family members, students, and trainees to learn and grow together during this exciting event. Whether you're a newcomer to the field or a seasoned professional, the AUCD Conference provides countless opportunities to share with and learn from colleagues and peers. 

Register Today

FASD Pre Conference

Image of a young man with facial hair and glasses asking a question in a microphone.

The AUCD Special Interest Group (SIG) on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) will host a Pre Conference event on Saturday, November 2 in collaboration with the AUCD 2024 Conference. Join us! The last session of the FASD Pre Conference is a poster presentation and we want to highlight you! Do you have a poster that you've presented on FASD within the past year or one that has been accepted for presentation in the future? Submit a poster for presentation by September 15.

Learn More
Image of a young man with facial hair and glasses asking a question in a microphone.





