LEND and Learn Monthly TA Series: Implementation Science

Monday, March 25, 2024
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: Zoom

The March LEND and Learn Monthly TA Session will be held on Monday, March 25, 2024, at 3:00 PM ET. The topic of this session is Implementation Science. Implementation Science is the scientific study of using methods and strategies to promote the use of evidence-based practice and research by practitioners and policymakers across community service systems caring for individuals with Autism/DD.  Dr. Brookman-Frazee and Dr. Suhrheinrich will lead the group in discussing considerations for applying implementation science across a broad range of settings. As part of building leadership competencies for trainees, they offer specialized training in implementation leadership, which is strategic leadership focused on supporting the use and sustainment of evidence-based practices. Dr. Brookman-Frazee and Dr. Suhrheinrich will share resources and describe practical approaches to integrating implementation science and leadership into LEND programming.


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Image of Dr. Lauren Brookman-Frazee and Dr. Jessica ShurheinrichDr. Lauren Brookman-Frazee is a Professor at the UC San Diego Department of Psychiatry and a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in psychosocial interventions. Her community-partnered research involves partnering with leaders, clinicians, and families to develop, test, and implement evidence-based interventions in routine care services. She is the Associate Director of the Child and Adolescent Services Research Center and Co-Director of the NIMH-Funded IN STEP Children's Mental Health Research Center. Dr. Brookman-Frazee also leads multiple training programs and directs the San Diego Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (San Diego LEND)program, which is focused on applying implementation science to promote equitable access to evidence-based autism services. 

Dr. Jessica Suhrheinrich is an Associate Professor of Special Education at San Diego State University.  Broadly, her research aims to improve community-based services for individuals with autism. Dr. Suhrheinrich’s current work integrates implementation science and leadership development to increase the use of evidence-based practices for autism. Additionally, she is the Director of Research and Evaluation for the California Autism Professional Training and Information Network (CAPTAIN).


Please Note:

  • Please indicate your accommodation needs during registration.
  • The event will be held on the Zoom Platform. You can test your connection with Zoom before joining the meeting here.
  • Recording of this LEND and Learn session is available to LEND leadership and faculty upon request to [email protected].
LEND and Learn Monthly TA Series: Implementation Science