AIR-P Presents: Introduction to Plain Language Writing for Academics and Researchers

Tuesday, April 16, 2024
4:00pm ET - 5:00pm ET
Location: Zoom

Webinar Description

This webinar, offered by the Autistic Self Advocacy Network in partnership with the Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P), will provide an overview of plain language writing for people who may be more used to writing in academic language. Attendees will learn the principles of plain language writing and have a chance to put them into practice with interactive exercises. There will also be time for questions and answers.


Zoe Gross

Zoe Gross is Director of Advocacy at the Autistic Self Advocacy Network. Previously, she worked as a special assistant at the Administration for Community Living, and as a policy analyst on Senator Tom Harkin’s Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee staff. In 2012, Zoe created the annual Disability Day of Mourning vigil, a national, cross-disability event which commemorates the lives of disabled people murdered by their family members or caregivers. She received a White House Champions of Change award for this work in 2013. Zoe is a member of the Washington, DC Developmental Disabilities Council.


Please Note

  • CART captioning will be provided. For additional disability accommodations please email Elizabeth Schnieder at [email protected] two weeks prior to the event with name of event and accommodation preference in your response.
  • There is no cost for this webinar.
  • CEUs are not offered for this webinar.
  • This webinar will be held on the Zoom Platform. You can test your connection with Zoom before joining the meeting here.
  • This webinar will be archived available on the AUCD Webinar Library.
AIR-P Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health