LPQI Common Abbreviations and Acronyms


"Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities" are training programs designed to enhance the health of people who have autism or other related developmental disabilities, or those who are more likely to develop them. This is done by offering graduate-level training in maternal and child health, as well as interdisciplinary leadership education in neurodevelopmental and related disabilities. For more information, please visit HRSA/MCHB's website on LENDs.


"LEND Program Quality Improvement" is an effort started by LEND programs to create consistent and comparable measures across the United States. The goal of LPQI is to improve the quality of LEND training and enhance LEND trainee outcomes.


T1 is the initial period at the start of the LEND training year. During T1, the LEND program will gather a baseline on their trainee's knowledge and skills related to the three core competencies outlined in the section on CCM measures. While T1 typically occurs in August and September, participating LEND programs can adjust the time frame to fit their program's needs.


T2 is the time frame in the middle of the LEND training year after faculty have worked with trainees for several months. During T2, faculty rate each trainees' current knowledge and skills related to each competency outlined in the section on I-FOR measures. While T2 typically occurs in December and January, participating LEND programs can adjust the time frame according to their program's needs.


T3 occurs at the end of the LEND training year in which trainees are assessed on their knowledge and skills in the three core competencies (see section on CCM measures). Faculty also report on each trainees' knowledge and skills in each competency outline in the section on I-FOR measures during this time. While T3 typically occurs in March and April, participating LEND programs can adjust the time frame according to their program's needs. 


"Core Competency Measure" is a survey completed by trainees at the beginning (T1) and end (T3) of the LEND year. The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia LEND program developed the survey to measure trainee progress in each of the three core competencies: Interdisciplinary/Inter-professional Team Building, Family-Professional Partnerships, and Policy. 


"Interdisciplinary and Family-Centered Care Observation Rubric" is a tool used by faculty to observe and evaluate each trainee's performance in the middle (T2) and at the end (T3) of the LEND year. Faculty rate trainees in each core competency: Interdisciplinary teaming, family-centered care, and policy. The I-FOR tool was created specifically to fit the needs of the LPQI network and was originally adapted from competencies in the Pediatric Milestones Project and MCH Leadership Competencies.


"National Information Reporting System" is a national online database where disability training programs and centers can report and find information about other disability training programs. The NIRS application is supported by AUCD. NIRS helps the AUCD Network to follow the rules set by the government on federal reporting requirements and to share their data on projects and products with the public and policy makers. AUCD also uses the NIRS data to show an overall picture of disability training programs in the network.


Both FY and PY cover the same time frame. For example, PY 2022 = FY 2023 is referencing to July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.

"Fiscal Year (FY)" is a term from NIRS that references the year when the reporting period ends.

"Program Year (PY)" is a term that references the year that the reporting period begins.