Monday, September 17, 2018

Project Summary

There is a shortage of providers trained to meet the needs of children and teens with mental health conditions and other disabilities in the state of Michigan and nationally. The University of Michigan (UM) has partnered with the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental & Related Disabilities program in our state (MI-LEND) to support the education and clinical experiences of learners as they advance through this training. In order to expand the reach of MI-LEND educational experiences at UM and better support the curriculum engaging medium and short-term MI-LEND learners, further development of the curriculum and resources that can serve these learners in the UM area is needed.

Goals and Objectives Accomplished

The overall aim of this project was to enhance the MCH workforce by expanding resources available for medium- and short-term trainees through UM and MI-LEND.

Goal 1: Expanded opportunities for interdisciplinary and community-based activities for MILEND learners at UM who wish to pursue medium- and short-term training.


  1. Enhanced the MI-LEND curriculum at UM by adding clinical experiences and activities.
  2. Established a new community-based activity in the MI-LEND curricula that serves children with disabilities through evidence-based group programs focusing on engagement and fun.
  3. Identified/recruited ≥5 local children with mental health disorders and/or disabilities and their families to participate as "teachers" for UM and other MI-LEND trainees.
  4. Engaged and trained 3-5 medium- and short-term learners in collaboration with MI-LEND.

Goal 2: Identified ≥1 additional Michigan site to implement this curriculum in the future.


  1. Used MI-LEND and DBP interest group of Michigan connections to identify the next site(s).
  2. Shared the process developed in Goal 1 with the next sites.


  • The UM GME committee approved up to 5 trainees for medium term certification I year.
  • 5 of 5 trainees have attended "Movers and Shakers" activity for adults with disabilities.
  • Have established connection to two families known to Pl and enjoy teaching about this topic.
  • 4 of the 5 learners have completed activities and the last is completing in July 2019.
  • The curriculum/mechanism for the Ml-LEND medium term certification will be presented at the meeting 9/7/2019-Ann Arbor.

Additional Resources (on the right)

  • Intermediate-term requirements for DBP Fellows seeking LEND Certification and 2018 cohort feedback
  • FAST Project Summary presentation

Primary Contact

Barbara Felt | [email protected]