13th Annual Ohio MCH LEND Poster Symposium

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

LEND trainees, faculty, and guests recently gathered at The Ohio State University Medical Center to celebrate the work of LEND trainees from Cincinnati Children’s and The Ohio State University Nisonger Center. The LEND posters showcased a range of projects addressing several themes such as community resources, accessibility, inclusion, dental services, mental health, and sensory processing in children with prenatal opioid exposure.

Kim Hauck, Director of the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, opened the day and provided a virtual welcome to attendees. Director Hauck highlighted the impact of the Ohio LEND programs in addressing the workforce development needs in the state.

Next, we had Kara Wente, Director of the Ohio Department of Children and Youth who gave an overview of her department and presented updates on the new programs recently addressed at the State of the State.

Following the poster session, Cincinnati Children’s LEND training director Dr. Stephanie Weber and Ohio State Nisonger LEND director Dr. Paula Rabidoux closed the event by reflecting on value, joy, and passion of building a career committed to individuals with autism and developmental disabilities and the impact this has had on them as leaders in the field.

Nisonger and Cincinnati LEND trainees standing near their posters.


 LEND trainees presentling their posters

Cincinnati and Nisonger LEND Trainees group photo