AIR-P (UCLA-initiated 9/1/20) Updates

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

In September 2020, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) had the opportunity to assume leadership of the Autism Intervention Research Network on Physical Health (AIR-P) programming and activities under the direction of Dr. Alice Kuo. Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration, the AIR-P is an interdisciplinary, multicenter research network for scientific collaboration and infrastructure to increase the life expectancy and quality of life for autistic individuals, with a focus on underserved/vulnerable populations. The AIR-P supports innovative life course intervention research in six areas (Research Nodes): (1) primary care services and quality, (2) community-based lifestyle interventions, (3) gender, sexuality, and reproductive health, (4) health services and systems, (5) neurology, and (6) genetics.

The AIR-P enables the design and implementation of innovative and impactful autism research by building an infrastructure that includes a National Coordinating Center (NCC) at UCLA that performs a set of core administrative functions; a partnership with the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) which includes technical assistance, Network management, database development, and inclusion of their network of over 130 university centers; an Autistic Researchers Review Board (ARRB) which reviews all aspects of the Network to ensure that the research directly benefits autistic individuals; a Steering Committee comprised of the leaders of the six Research Nodes; and 15 pre-established Collaborating Research Entities (CREs) through the AUCD network. The AIR-P also aims to facilitate mentorship for new investigators to enter the field of autism and physical health research through the AIR-P Scholars program.

The mission of the AIR-P is to develop a robust research infrastructure that will foster measurable improvements in optimal physical health and well-being of autistic individuals and their families across the lifespan. The AIR-P envisions a future where autistic individuals experience optimal multi-dimensional health and well-being.

An overview of the AIR-P was recently presented at the introductory webinar, which can be viewed here, and more information is provided on the AIR-P website,