LEND Community Agency Project

While trainees interview community agencies, they are able to also practice their elevator speech about LEND and increase awareness of the New Mexico LEND program as a resource for the community. In turn, trainees learn more about the support services available, how agencies are funded, and how agencies evaluate their success. It is an opportunity for trainees to also gain exposure to different community agencies, include Title V partners.

Trainees are also encouraged to observe the physical settings of the interview for accessibility. This includes physical access, signs, seating available, and how the environment matches the clients they serve.

The primary challenge is related to time. There is significant time required to identify a broad range of community programs (e.g., birth to three, kids with down syndrome, adults with autism, Title V programs, DD Councils), obtain their commitment to participate in an interview, and then match the program with a trainee.

Resource Topic(s): Community Engagement
Resource Target
LEND/DBP Faculty or Staff, LEND/DBP Leadership, LEND/DBP Trainees
Resource Format(s): Curriculum/Educational Material
Resource Published: 09/01/2019

Contact Information:

University of New Mexico

Sandy Heimerl
[email protected]