
As part of the Collaborative Quality Improvement Planning in LEND and DBP Programs*, project trainees and faculty completed StrengthsFinder as part of a year-long leadership development exercise. Dominant talents were identified, and the potential to develop strengths was discussed individually and as a LEND cohort, working together on varied teams during the year. A Team Report was provided to each of the 12 Leadership project small teams and the 4 interdisciplinary clinical training teams. Faculty were taught how to utilize StrengthsFinders to facilitate MCH Leadership Competencies such as self-awareness, team building, and leadership strategies during their work with trainees.

What are the expected learning outcomes for trainees?

Trainees will improve their leadership competency as measured by the LEND Leadership Self-Evaluation Form. Trainees will practice using leadership skills based on increased awareness in various leadership projects and clinical teams throughout the year.

Briefly describe the positive impacts this strategy has had on trainees:

This project is ongoing. However, trainees showed diversity in top strengths; they had strengths in executing, influencing, and strategizing, though they were not as strong in influencing. They have learned a new vocabulary and can discuss team issues with faculty and peers on interdisciplinary projects.

Briefly describe any lessons learned or challenges associated with implementing this strategy:

Faculty members were initially cautious about "buying in" (i.e., using this leadership development model across didactic, clinical, and leadership projects). However, incorporating monthly discussions into faculty meetings increased support throughout the year. Trainees have become more engaged with developing their leadership skills, and a few have expressed the desire to continue with additional StrengthsFinder training.

*This project was funded by the AUCD QI Improvement project as a collaborative project (with the Cincinnati LEND and the UIC LEND) to strengthen interdisciplinary leadership training.

Resource Topic(s): Data and Reporting, Evaluation and Quality Improvement, Information Dissemination, Program Collaboration, Resources for LEND/DBP Trainees
Resource Target
LEND/DBP Faculty or Staff, LEND/DBP Leadership, LEND/DBP Trainees
Resource Format(s): Curriculum/Educational Material, Report/Guidance
Resource Published: 01/01/2023



LEND Leadership Self-Evaluation Form [download]

Contact Information:

Ohio State University Medical Center

Paula Rabidoux
[email protected]