Trainees Shadowing and Interviewing Leaders

Each trainee is required to facilitate a session, in which experts from the university and community in each of the above areas attend a seminar to engage trainees in thinking about a competency from a theoretical and practice perspectiveIn the role of facilitator, the trainee contacts the expert to obtain a biographical sketch, introduces the expert, relates the content to specific MCH competencies, facilitates the discussion, and writes a reflection about the session and how it addressed the competencies.

Additionally, trainees are required to shadow and interview a leader from their discipline or a related discipline. Prior to shadowing and interviewing the leader, they submit the name of the leader, a rationale for selecting the person, and the interview protocol to the instructors of the course and their mentors. Finally, the trainees prepare a presentation on the shadowing and interviewing experience.

Resource Topic(s): Interdisciplinary Training, Leadership, Resources for LEND/DBP Trainees
Resource Target
LEND/DBP Faculty or Staff, LEND/DBP Leadership, LEND/DBP Trainees
Resource Format(s): Curriculum/Educational Material
Resource Published: 09/23/2015

Trainees Shadowing and Interviewing Leaders


Overview-Shadowing and Interviewing [download]

Contact Information:

Kennedy Krieger Institute

Miya Asato
[email protected]