Developmental Network Exercise: An Overview of Mentoring and Developmental Networks

Developmental Networks are a framework for career development and mentoring defined and valued by academic business leaders David Thomas, Kathy Kram, Monica Higgins, and others. Faculty and trainees can use this Developmental Network Mapping Exercise to analyze their current networks' strengths and limitations and promote career development. Developmental Networks are composed of many people, including mentors, colleagues, juniors, mentees, family, and friends, who can provide career advice and support. These simultaneously held relationships, drawn from the person's own organization and external organizations and communities, provide access to knowledge, opportunities, and resources.

Resource Topic(s): Information Dissemination, Resources for LEND/DBP Trainees
Resource Target
LEND/DBP Faculty or Staff, LEND/DBP Leadership, LEND/DBP Trainees
Resource Format(s): Curriculum/Educational Material
Resource Published: 10/15/2015

Developmental Network Exercise: An Overview of Mentoring and Developmental Networks


Developmental Network Exercise [download]

Contact Information:

Boston LEAH Project - Boston Children's Hospital/Harvard Medical School

S. Jean Emans
[email protected]