Click here for regional project officer assignments and contact information:
UCEDD requirements are outlined in the UCEDD FOA and in Notices of Award, and are supported by these materials in the link below.
AUCD polled network members to identify data sources used for statewide needs assessment. A variety of primary sources and reference materials were identified and are noted on that page. Network members are encouraged to submit additional recommendations to be included.
Historical FOAs back to 2006 are maintained by the URC, should they be needed:
Click here for ACL guidance for requesting amendments to a current grant award, and other grant management resources:
OIDD identified several UCEDD core grants that are exemplary and scored highly in the review process. Those UCEDDs provided permission for their applications to be shared publicly:
FY21 Core Grant Application - AZ Sonoran UCEDD (PDF)
FY19 Core Grant Application - GA CLD UCEDD (PDF)
FY19 Core Grant Application - NY Strong UCEDD (PDF)
FY19 Core Grant Application - WI UCEDD (PDF)
Select UCEDDs participated in the pilot-testing of the 5-Year Closeout Report and provided permission for their applications to be shared publicly: