Annual PPR Resources

The PPR is due July 30 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time annually (including in the final grant year) and is developed in NIRS. Any changes to objectives and timelines must be noted in the workplan updates in Part 1A of the PPR. Any changes in goals must be addressed directly with your project officer, and typically require a new application. Completion of the PPR in NIRS does not automatically result in upload to Grant Solutions (ACL’s grant management module); you must complete that step after the final PPR is emailed to you from NIRS.  Browse Resources >

Final 5-year Report Resources

The UCEDD 5-year Final Report is due October 28 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time, 120 days after the end of each 5-year core grant cycle. The core grant cycle ends each year on June 30th. If a no-cost extension is approved for the final year of the core grant, this deadline is extended accordingly (be sure to confirm new due date with your project officer, and with AUCD at Centers may also want to refer to ACL’s website Managing a Grant | ACL Administration for Community Living (click the + sign for Federal Funding Requirements and then see the 2nd bullet which applies to UCEDDs) for the most up-to-date information regarding due dates for the 5-Year Closeout Report.

Include your grant number on all reports submitted. All financial and programmatic reports must be submitted to ACL through Grant Solutions before the grant close-out is final. Any outstanding financial and/or programmatic reports can be submitted with the 5-year Final Report. Final reports must include the following:

  • The Five Year Closeout Report – The five year closeout report was built into NIRS following the finalization of the 2020 reporting template.  Similar to the annual PPR, this report can be developed within NIRS and exported to a designated contact's email address in pdf format.  This exported pdf should be uploaded to Grant Solutions to complete submission.  A Five Year Closeout Report Guidebook

About UCEDD Reporting


The UCEDD Annual Program Performance Report (PPR) is due July 30 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time each year and is developed in the National Information Reporting System (NIRS) online database managed by AUCD/URC.

The UCEDD 5-year Final Report is due October 28 at 11:59 pm eastern time, 120 days after the end of each 5-year core grant cycle. This date is adjusted for UCEDDs receiving a no-cost extension at the end of their core grant cycle. UCEDDs may refer to ACL’s website Managing a Grant I ACL Administration for Community Living for more information on the due date of the 5-Year Final Closeout Report. UCEDDs in their final year of their grant have a heavy lift, as they are required to submit a core grant application, a PPR, and a 5-year Final Report all in the same year.