Monday, February 7, 2022
Executive Summary
In 2020-2021, the UCEDD Resource Center (URC) accomplished all our goals from the prior year. The first full year of website analytics data from all three URC websites has been leveraged for strategic decision-making. An accessibility evaluation for online communications was completed in August 2021 and will inform improvements to be implemented in the coming year. The global survey was adapted into Spanish and plain language to ensure linguistic accessibility in our data collection process. Finally, the URC has incorporated evidence-based models for training and technical assistance (T/TA) into the T/TA provided to University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs) through rapid responses, collaborations, high-quality disseminations, and intensive, individualized support.
Throughout the contract span, the URC responded to 703 requests for information and assistance; developed and/or disseminated 79 unique products in response to emerging TA needs as well as disseminated eight recurring products on a weekly, semi-weekly, monthly, or annual basis; was the catalyst for 72 collaborations; and hosted 36 TA events. TA was provided most frequently on the topics of federal reporting, federal partner communications, activity planning and evaluation, and grant application assistance.
This evaluation report has helped to identify limitations and learning opportunities, as well as recognize achievements and inform goals for next year. Ongoing challenges related to ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic; a significant drop on the global survey response rates; and staff turnover were all identified as limitation for this year’s training and TA and evaluation.
When looking at these opportunities to grow, the achievements of the past year are noticeable:
As the fourth year of the evaluation collection and summary concludes and the 2016-2021 T/TA contract closes out, the URC identifies three goals for the year ahead. We will focus efforts toward ensuring accessibility in all T/TA activities.
We will enhance resource and information dissemination efforts to increase awareness of new and existing resources. We will increase engagement in our events implementing evidence-based models that are responsive to network members’ requests and reflect the 2021-2022 contract priorities of T/TA that is innovative, high-quality, efficient, effective and outcome driven.