2023 AUCD Annual Report

Emerging LeadersFour young adults in business attire stand arm in arm in front of the US Capitol.

AUCD Emerging Leaders are a part of a community that includes current trainees from AUCD member sites; former (i.e. alumni) trainees; early career professionals from all health and related disciplines, including self-advocates and family members; and others that are relatively new to the disability field. This group of passionate individuals from every U.S. state and territory grows by the thousands each year. Together, this Emerging Leaders Community shares a passion to serve, research, and educate to make positive changes with and for people with disabilities and their families.

AUCD Central Office Initiatives

A young Black woman with braids pulled back, wearing a sweater and smiling at the camera."Being an Emerging Leader signifies the ongoing journey of personal and professional growth. It means embracing challenges, continuously learning, and evolving to meet the demands of leadership. It's about not only advancing one's own career but also contributing to the development and success of those around you. An Emerging Leader is someone who strives for excellence, fosters collaboration, and is committed to making a positive impact on their community and beyond."

Connie Mathis, 2023-2024
Emerging Leaders Community Intern, Oklahoma LEND