Letter from Executive Director

For AUCD and our Network partners, 2024 has been a year of building upon the progress forged in previous years. While 2023 was a year focused on valuing and strengthening our connections across the Network, 2024 has emphasized further fortifying our core functions as an organization and our Network as a collective force for change.

The AUCD 2024 Conference theme, Stronger Together: Creating a More Inclusive World, immersed attendees in the essential role collaboration plays in advancing the rights and opportunities for and with people with disabilities through research, training, education, and service of the AUCD Network. Discussions at the Conference centered around how each University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) Program, and Intellectual and Developmental Disability Research Center (IDDRC) can work together, strategize, and partner to fulfill our joint mission. By uniting around our shared goals as a Network, we are better positioned to drive systemic change and continue promoting pathways across the United States and its territories.

In 2024, AUCD also updated its mission statement to reflect the growing importance of collaboration. Our new mission is to amplify and advance the work of the AUCD Network to promote community inclusion and quality of life for people with developmental and other disabilities and their families.

2024 ended with a significant milestone for AUCD and the Network when President Biden signed the reauthorization of the Autism CARES Act of 2024 into law on December 23. This victory was made possible by the advocacy of our Network members, who contacted their Senators and Representatives to raise awareness and support for this important bill. The year-end accomplishment in policy is a testament to the power of our collective voice and impact we have when our Network comes together for a common cause.

As we head into 2025, AUCD remains excited about the endless opportunities ahead. AUCD is committed to continuing our work stronger together, supporting and advancing the rights of individuals with disabilities across the United States and its territories.


Sandy Root-Elledge
AUCD Interim Executive Director

Sandy Root-Elledge, a smiling woman with glasses and short hair.

Sandy Root-Elledge
AUCD Interim Executive Director