2022 AUCD Annual Report

Ways AUCD Made a Difference in 2022

AUCD is a Network founded on the importance of equity. In this year’s Annual Report, we showcase the work AUCD and its Network members accomplished in 2022. 

2022 Data

Image of a young man playing on a simulation device while a person looks on.

In FY22, over 1.4 million people and organizations received technical assistance from AUCD members, over 770,000 received continuing education, and over 146,000 families received clinical services such as diagnostic evaluations for developmental disabilities, therapies, and more.In 2022, the AUCD Network collectively trained 5,013 trainees in over 47 different disciplines. 54% of trainees were enrolled in allied health disciplines such as audiology, health administration, physical therapy, and social work. 30% of FY22 trainees were enrolled in health disciplines such as dentistry, genetics, medicine, or nursing. 11% of trainees were enrolled in general studies disciplines such as disability studies, family advocacy, child development, law, pastoral care, or are a person with a disability. 5% of trainees were enrolled in education disciplines such as early intervention, general education, or special education. In FY22, over 1.9 million people and organizations received technical assistance from AUCD members.”

2022 Financials

Bar chart with arrow increasingAUCD is a 501(c)3 organization with a $9.7 million budget. The majority of AUCD’s income comes from grants and contracts; and the remainder comes from things like membership dues, event registrations, and private donations. AUCD works to keep our operations efficient, using the maximum available resources to further the goals of our strategic plan.

In FY2022, we were pleased to report the following highlights:

  • AUCD received a clean audit opinion for the financial year ending on June 30, 2022.
  • Year-end unrestricted net assets were $3.8 which is $1.1 more than the prior year.
  • AUCD FY23 projection is over $5 million passed to members. Membership dues are unchanged for FY23.