Letter from Executive Director

For AUCD and members, 2023 was focused on real change and not just checking the inclusion box. We repeatedly highlighted the next generation of leaders and amplified their voices. And as always, we focused on advancing policies, practices, and research for and with people with disabilities and their communities. This year, AUCD adopted a definition of equity (separate and distinct from inclusion), launched a new strategic planning process, and continued developing emergency preparedness resources for people with disabilities, their families, and communities. It has been a busy and rewarding year, and it is important we keep that focus on engaging in conversations around what real inclusion means for people with disabilities.

AUCD’s eighth annual AUCD for All Gala was in-person for the first time since the pandemic and celebrated Creating Inclusive Communities across our Network and beyond. Inclusive communities foster an environment where it is encouraged to self-disclose your disability without fear of exclusion. Inclusive communities are communities that embrace our intersectionality and involve people with disabilities in research. They ensure physical, policy, and attitudinal barriers are removed. They create systems that work for people with disabilities.

The AUCD 2023 Conference focused on the theme Emerging Leaders: Shaping the Future and welcomed attendees from across the United States and internationally. As Conference Chair Derrick Willis noted, “We have made tremendous strides, but we still have a lot of work to do. And it is you sitting here that is going to take us to that next level that is necessary for us to be successful in creating environments for all people to live inclusive lives.” At this year’s Conference, storytelling played a big role in creating Network connections, sharing lived experiences, and practicing advocacy—all motivating us to continue shaping the future of disability policies, practices, and research.

Three years have passed since the start of the pandemic, and the AUCD Network continues to prioritize spreading accurate and accessible information and resources on vaccine outreach to ensure people with disabilities have equal access to all vaccines.

Without the support and knowledge from AUCD’s Network of UCEDDs, LENDs, and IDDRCs, progress would look different. With these collaborations, progress looks like inclusive research, inclusive post-secondary education programs, inclusive communities, and so much more that bolsters our framework of improving policies, systems, and standards of practice where people with disabilities are not only supported and given access but are also a vital part of creating solutions. 2023 has strengthened connections across the Network that reinforce our collaborative mission, continuing to build on past successes to ensure a brighter future for us all.


John Tschida,  
AUCD Executive Director 

John Tschida, a smiling man with glasses, graying brown hair and goatee, wearing a tweed suit, white shirt, and blue patterned tie, holding a microphone.