AUCD 2025 Conference

November 16-19 | Washington, D.C.

Presentation Details

The AUCD Conference Planning Committee invites you to share your work, research, and experiences in the disability field by submitting a proposal to one of the following types of Conference sessions. Each session is designed differently to allow attendees flexibility in learning and presenting styles during their time at the Conference. Please read below to familiarize yourself with the full details and changes before beginning the proposal submission process.

Important Note: The presenting author(s) for all accepted sessions must register and attend the in person Conference. Presenters will be responsible for their own travel, accommodations, and Conference registration fees. Proposals should not be commercial in nature. Any abstract that appears to be promoting a company, product, or service will not be considered in this format, though companies are encouraged to explore sponsorship and exhibit opportunities.

Learn More

Learn more about Session Types, Proposal Topics, and the Review Criteria by clicking on the links to the right.

Attendees sitting together during the Conference.

Session Types

Concurrent: 75 minute panel presentation: all panelists are identified

A panel is a group of thematically linked presentations and a designated moderator. Each panelist will present for 20 minutes as one of two or three presenters who are submitting this proposal with you.

Diversity among organizations, Centers, Programs, and individuals is strongly encouraged on each panel (i.e.: a panel might include a researcher, a trainee, and a self-advocate presenting various elements of one project; groups from multiple organizations within the state presenting on family support efforts in their state; or presenters from multiple Centers showcasing the different ways each uses distance technology in training trainees).

AUCD will not accept submitted panel sessions where there is only one presenter who is describing several of their studies, even if they are thematically linked. Please use this submission format only if you have a common theme, between three and five distinct presentations and presenters, and an identified moderator.

Standard room setup will include microphones, a podium, a head table, an LCD projector, and a screen. Presenters are responsible for bringing their own laptop, or may request one from AUCD (rented through the hotel) and be invoiced for the cost.

Concurrent: 75 minute interactive "discussion" presentation

An individual or small group will lead an interactive discussion or exercise for 75 minutes. Presenters should not "present" or lecture at the participants for more than 20% of the session. Approximately eight of this type of abstracts will be accepted for the entire Conference. 

Standard room setup will include microphones, a podium, a head table, an LCD projector, and a screen. Presenters are responsible for bringing their own laptop, or may request one from AUCD (rented through the hotel) at their own cost.

Poster Symposia

All posters for the AUCD Conference will be presented in a series where 12-15 posters on a similar theme will be grouped together in a room. Posters will be displayed on large boards and have a table underneath for accompanying materials. The session will be introduced by a moderator, poster authors will be asked to provide a very brief two-minute introduction of their poster, and then attendees will be free to move about the room to speak with poster presenters directly for the remainder of the session. Attendees are also welcome to move between symposia rooms and view posters on other topics.

Presentations accepted in this format are expected to create and hang a poster (see the below requirements), and accompany said poster and discuss it with individuals as they explore posters in more depth, then remove the poster at the conclusion of the event. Electronic versions of posters, in PowerPoint or PDF format, are required to be received by AUCD before the conference and will be posted on the public AUCD Conference website for full accessibility and attendee reference.

All poster presenters will be provided with a poster board (dimensions below), push pins for hanging the poster, a 6' skirted table for displaying materials, and a single chair. Presenters requiring electricity, internet, or any other items should request them through AUCD and will be invoiced for the cost.

Poster Requirements

Physical Poster

  • Create it: Print on heavy duty paper or fabric, not larger than 44" tall by 90" wide, or 3.75'x 7.5'. Many presenters create their poster in PowerPoint at the maximum PPT width of 52" wide x 44" tall, or create their poster in a design program like InDesign or Photoshop that allows for custom sizes.
  • Print it: Almost any print shop (ie the university printer, a local business, Fed-Ex, or should be able to print your poster. Some will offer shipping directly to the conference, while others will require you to check the poster as luggage on your flight or make separate shipping arrangements. AUCD has a partnership with Poster Nerd. If you print a paper or fabric poster at Poster Nerd, you can receive a 10% Discount. Learn more.
  • Hang it: A fabric poster board and table underneath for materials are provided by AUCD. Push pins and other equipment to hang your poster is also provided by AUCD.
  • Ship it: View the Shipping to the Hotel page for important information about shipping your poster to the hotel if you're unable to bring it during your travels.


  • Create it: A single PPT slide or PDF of your poster.
  • Submit it: E-posters must be submitted by Friday, October 4. View instructions on how to submit a digital poster.
  • Display it: E-posters will be posted and publicly available on the AUCD Conference website both before and after the Conference.

Proposal Topics

Proposals to present at the AUCD Conference are accepted in the following topic areas, though this is not an exclusive list.

  • Advocacy
  • Aging
  • Arts, Media, and Culture
  • Behavior Supports
  • Community Living and Supports
  • Criminal Justice/Victims Rights
  • Diagnostic and Clinical Service Issues
  • Disability Studies
  • Education: Early Intervention/Early Education
  • Education: K-12, Literacy, Learning
  • Education: Postsecondary
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Employment, Housing, and Transportation
  • Engagement with Creative Partners
  • Ethics & Quality of Life
  • Health, Wellness, Recreation and Related Issues
  • Media & the Arts
  • Mental Health
  • Parent/Family Involvement, Support and Respite
  • Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Diversity and Linguistic Competence
  • Self-Determination and Self-Advocacy
  • Surveillance and Epidemiological Efforts
  • Systems-Level Implementation, Demonstration, and Evaluation
  • Technology, Assistive Technology and Universal Design
  • Territories 
  • Training and Leadership Development
  • Transition
  • Other Topics

Image of a woman with long brown hair wearing a floral print shirt presenting in front of a poster.

Review Criteria

Proposals submitted to the AUCD Conference will be judged on a set of criteria and scale by a team of individuals from the AUCD Network, including staff from UCEDDs, LENDs, IDDRCs, self-advocates and family members, and current or recent Network trainees.

  • Interest to the AUCD Membership, Attendees, and the Disability Field as a Whole: 25 points
  • Effectiveness of Information Delivery: 25 points
  • Connection to the Values of the Network: 25 points
  • Proposal Follows the Guidance Provided, is Clearly Organized, and is Well Written: 25 points