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Solving the Dyslexia Paradox: The Importance of Early Identification and Intervention
Building a Platform for Early Literacy and Language Screening and Evidence -based Response to Screening
Solving the Dyslexia Paradox: The Importance of brain development, early identification and intervention
The typical and atypical reading brain: Developmental evidence from infants, preschoolers and school-age children
Developmental Dyslexia and Reading impairments: Neurobiology, heredity, early identification and screening strategies
Struggling Readers? Come explore big wins in ed-tech that address a rare combination of early identification and teacher reading instruction
Early identification of Dyslexia and Reading impairments: Whom should we screen? Where should we screen? How should we screen?
Can structural and functional connectivity in neonates predict later language function?
The Typical and Atypical Reading Brain: How a Neurobiological Framework of Reading Development Can Inform Screening and Educational Practices
Language development, dyslexia and environment
Solving the Dyslexia Paradox: The Importance of Early Identification and Intervention
Solving the Dyslexia Paradox: The Importance of Early Identification and Intervention
Solving the Dyslexia Paradox: The Importance of brain development, early identification and intervention
Screening for Dyslexia and other reading disabilities: The WHY, WHEN, WHOM, HOW
Solving the Dyslexia Paradox: The Importance of Early Identification and Intervention
Solving the Dyslexia Paradox: The Importance of Early Identification and Intervention
The Typical and Atypical Reading Brain
Solving the Dyslexia Paradox: The importance of brain development, early identification, and intervention
The relationship between biological and psychosocial risk factors and resting-state functional connectivity in 2-month-old Bangladeshi infants: a feasibility and pilot study
Multifactorial pathways facilitate resilience among kindergarteners at risk for dyslexia: A longitudinal behavioral and neuroimaging study
Dyslexia across languages and writing systems: A handbook
Using tablet technology to screen for reading difficulty risk in preschool and early kindergarten
Screening for Dyslexia
How Can We Ensure That Every Child Will Learn to Read? The Need for a Global, Neurodevelopmental Perspective
Identifying risk instead of failure. Reading impairments: Moving from a deficit-driven to a preventive model
The relationships among SES, white matter, and reading development: a longitudinal investigation from kindergarten to 2nd grade.
The potential role of speech sound production in facilitating reading development among children at risk for reading impairment
dMRIQC-Tool: a semi-automated, quality control tool for diffusion-weighted MRI datasets.
The impact of maternal reading history on the brain lateralization in infants: a longitudinal study
The relationship between poverty and resting-state functional connectivity in 2-month old Bangladeshi infants
Infant connectivity fingerprint distinguishes familial risk of dyslexia and predicts long-term literacy development
White matter microstructure in infancy predicts language and pre-literacy abilities in preschool.
Functional connectivity patterns distinguish familial risk of dyslexia in infancy and predict subsequent phonological development
Functional connectivity identifies infants at risk of dyslexia and predicts phonological development
Correlations Among Early Predictors of Literacy in Brazilian Preschoolers
Summer Literacy Stagnation in Low-income Brazilian Gradeschool Children
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