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AUCD Experts

Robin Hansen, MD

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Contact Information:
Principal Investigator
Primary Activity Coordinators:
Training Director
Discipline Coordinators:
Medicine-Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
AUCD Council Membership:

Dr. Hansen is a board-certified developmental behavioral pediatrician with vast experience in treating children with neurodevelopmental disorders as well as in clinical research. She is a Professor of Pediatrics at the UC Davis School of Medicine and the Director of Clinical Programs at the UC Davis MIND Institute. She heads a multidisciplinary clinic that provides diagnostic services, plans/initiates intervention strategies, and works closely with patient families. Her clinical research has focused on children's temperament and its effects on parenting, long-term effects of prenatal drug exposure, gene-environment interactions related to causes and early identification of autism spectrum disorders, and biomedical treatment for neurodevelopmental disorders. She is currently a co-investigator on several grants investigating gene-environment interactions and immune dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders. She is also a governor's appointee to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities.
