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AUCD Experts

Catia Cividini-Motta, PhD

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Contact Information:
Leadership Administrative Staff:
Instructor/FCIC Affiliate Faculty
Discipline Coordinators:
Applied Behavioral Analysis
AUCD Council Membership:
Council on Research and Evaluation
Parent training, manuscript reviews, autism, behavior analysis
Linked Projects

Project iSED: Advancing Interdisciplinary Services for Students with Severe Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Project iSED: Advancing Interdisciplinary Services for Students with Severe Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Project iSED: Advancing Interdisciplinary Services for Students with Severe Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Project iSED: Advancing Interdisciplinary Services for Students with Severe Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Project iSED: Advancing Interdisciplinary Services for Students with Severe Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Linked Products

Identification and interventions for prompt dependency in persons with ASD.
History and overview of Applied Behavior Analysis
Automatic reinforcement
Response interruption and redirection.
A review of learning by exclusion

Teaching mands: Correspondence between acquisition, recommendations of communication modality assessment, and preference
Preference for social stimuli: A comparison of stimulus modes used in preference assessments
Subtyping stereotypy: Do subtypes predict treatment outcomes?
Evaluating the impact of preference on the efficacy of the high probability instructional sequence
Evaluation of an interdisciplinary training project for school-based behavior analysts and school psychologists.
Great together: Interdisciplinary collaboration between applied behavior analysis and social work via Project iSED
An evaluation of distributed and accumulated reinforcer arrangements on skill acquisition, preference, and interfering behaviors
Effect of assignment choice on student academic performance in an online class
Great together: Interdisciplinary collaboration between applied behavior analysis and social work via Project iSED
Using Prevent-Teach-Reinforce strategies to decrease a student's task refusal
A Comparison of accumulated and distributed reinforcer arrangements in a classroom
A Review of learning by exclusion
Interdisciplinary collaboration via the Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) model
School-based behavior analytic consultation
Extending abbreviated error-correction assessments to adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities
An evaluation of a brief paired-stimulus preference assessments
Systematic literature review of antecedent-based interventions to address motor stereotypy.