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AUCD Experts

Gale Hann, MPH

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Contact Information:
Primary Activity Coordinators:
Data Coordinator
Discipline Coordinators:
Self Advocacy
Family Member/Community Member
Person with a disability or special health care need
Public Health
AUCD Council Membership:
Council on Community Advocacy
Council on Research and Evaluation

Gale Hann (they/them) holds a Master of Public Health degree from the OUHSC Hudson College of Public Health and is the Data Coordinator for both the CLL|UCEDD and OKLEND. Additionally, Gale works in the OUHSC Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, Primary Care Health Policy Division as a research and policy data analyst where they evaluate programs related to family and child health as well as sexual and reproductive health. As a young child, Gale was diagnosed with learning and sensory processing disabilities and then was later diagnosed with autism as an adult. After completing the OKLEND program in 2021, they began publicly identifying as an autistic self-advocate and intentionally focusing their professional efforts on serving their communities. Gale is passionate about how data, evaluation, and research efforts can be used to best support programs and policy, particularly for people with disabilities and the LGBTQ+ community.

self-advocacy, autistic advocacy, disability advocacy, LGBTQ+ health, community inclusion