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AUCD Experts

JoAnne Malloy, Ph.D.

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Specialty Resource Contacts:
The Center for Excellence in Children's Behavioral Health
Education/Special Education
Education: General
Family/Parent/Youth Advocacy
Human Development/Child Development
Mental and Behavioral Health
Public Health
Social Work
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

JoAnne M. Malloy is a Research Associate Professor at Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire. She has directed several state and federally-funded youth transition, employment, and dropout prevention projects with a focus on youth with emotional and behavioral disorders. In 1996, she directed a demonstration project to create transition planning and employment opportunities for youth with emotional and behavioral disorders, known as RENEW (Rehabilitation, Empowerment, natural supports, Education, and Work). RENEW has since been replicated in educational, mental health and juvenile detention settings in New Hampshire, producing positive educational, vocational, and behavioral health outcomes. Dr. Malloy has developed a RENEW training and implementation system, enabling replication of the model in several states and school districts across the country.
Dr. Malloy has also developed and directed two projects funded by the U. S. Department of Education that link Positive Behavioral Supports and Interventions (PBIS) with dropout prevention. Dr. Malloy has published numerous articles and book chapters on employment and transition for youth with emotional disorders and adults with mental illness

Developed and disseminates a model for school-to-career transition for transitionm age youth with emotional or behavior disorders; works wiht school to adopt positive behavioral support and interventions.
Linked Projects

Building Futures Together (Opioid Impacted Family Support)
Creating Connections NH
Children's Behavioral Health Resource Center
NH State Youth Treatment Workforce Development Plan
NH Wraparound Project

NH State Youth Treatment Workforce Development
NH Wraparound Project
UNH Behavioral Health Integrated Care Gaduate Program
Center for RENEW Implementation
NH State Youth Treatment Implementation
NH Wraparound Project
Next Steps NH
NH Wraparound Practice Model
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavioral Health
Center for RENEW Implementation
Creating Connections NH
Center for RENEW Implementation
Creating Connections NH
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavioral Health
NH Wraparound Practice Model
TIPP: UNH Graduate Certificate in Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice
Building Futures Together
TIPP: UNH Graduate Certificate in Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice
Building Futures Together
Center for RENEW Implementation
Creating Connections NH
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavioral Health
Children's System of Care Technical Assistance Resource Center
NH Wraparound Practice Model
Voices of Marginalized Persons Seeking to Access Behavioral Health Supports
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavioral Health
Center for RENEW Implementation
NH Wraparound Practice Model
AUCD Children's Mental Health Champion
Dartmouth P2P
Web Based Resource for Developing a Culturally Responsive Children's Behavioral Health System
Building Futures Together (Opioid Impacted Family Support)
Center for RENEW Implementation
Children's Behavioral Health Resource Center
Creating Connections NH
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavioral Health
NH Wraparound Practice Model
Culturally Responsive Care in NH: Celebrating and Uplifting Resources to Support Equitable Access to Behavioral Health among Diverse Communities
Creating a Sustainable Credentialing System for Early Childhood and Family Mental Health Professionals
Center for RENEW Implementation
Creating a Sustainable Credentialing System for Early Childhood and Family Mental Health Professionals
Creating Connections NH
Culturally Responsive Care in NH Phase: Celebrating and Uplifting Resources to Support Equitable Access to Behavioral Health among Diverse Communities
Children's Behavioral Health Resource Center
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Behavioral Health
NH Wraparound Practice Model