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AUCD Experts

Maureen Nevers, MS

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Contact Information:
Discipline Coordinators:
Specialty Resource Contacts:
Non-Verbal Communication
Speech-Language Pathology
AUCD Council Membership:

Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology, May 1993
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Major: Communication Science and Disorders

Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Sept 1991- May 1993
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
U.S. Department of Education Training Grant

Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences, May 1991
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Major: Communication Disorders
Minor: Linguistics


Augmentative Communication Consultant, January 2004-present
Vermont State I-Team, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

Assist local teams in the delivery of quality educational services to students with intensive special needs through technical assistance, training, and family support.


  • Assess communication and related skills, including: receptive and expressive language, cognition, behavior, sensory, environmental, personal and physical characteristics
  • Recognize opportunities to increase equal access to curriculum and social activities
  • Determine appropriate symbolic and non-symbolic communication modes
  • Suggest suitable low and high tech tools to support language processing, organization, self-regulation, expression, and social interaction
  • Convene with Team to establish priorities and determine members' roles and responsibilities
  • Develop a communication plan that reflects the individual's strengths and preferences as well as the needs and abilities of the environment


  • Conduct individualized vocabulary selection for low-tech and high-tech communication aids
  • Create a variety of low-tech communication materials, including: communication books and boards, visual supports, and voice-output communication aid overlays
  • Model specific interventions and use of relevant communication tools for Team members
  • Program digitized and synthesized voice-output communication aids
    Support teachers, para-educators, parents and therapists in executing communication programs
  • Foster the carryover of appropriate system features to new environments (e.g. home, work)
  • Provide all instructional support necessary for programming and maintaining dedicated devices and other communication software


  • Generate comprehensive, clear reports of observations, findings and recommendations
  • Share results of consultations at formal or informal Team meetings
  • Maintain data on communication interventions to monitor success and need for adjustments
  • Arrange for rental of high-tech voice-output devices, record their effectiveness, and submit necessary documentation for procurement
  • Communicate with administrators regarding equipment, services, and staffing needs

Augmentative Communication Specialist, 1993-present
Certified, Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, Easter Seals of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA
Provide on-site support for individuals with significant communication challenges so that they may achieve meaningful participation, maximum independence, and consistent success in social, educational, and vocational situations.

Program Director - Extended School Year, 1997-2003
Winthrop Public Schools, Winthrop, MA
Coordinated summer service delivery for more than 100 students, including hiring over 40 staff, maintaining accurate educational, payroll, and expense records, and overseeing the daily functioning of the full-day and tutoring programs.



Augmentative Communication
"Augmentative and Alternative Communication" 15-hour course
"Communicating in Natural Settings: Techniques in Assessment and Intervention"
"Assessment of Communication Skills for AAC Supports"
"Language Characteristics and Intervention for Children with PDD/Autism"
"Low Tech, Low Cost: Devices to Enhance Communication and Language"
"AAC for Persons with Developmental Disabilities"
"Learning to Communicate with Non-Speakers"
"The Role of the Occupational Therapist on the AAC Team"
"Communication Guide: Assessing Student's Skills in the Area of Communication"
"AAC Supports: Choosing Supports to Help Students Address the Standards"

Visual Supports
"Practical Classroom Supports: Promote Participation, Independence and Success"
"Creating and Using Visual Supports in the Classroom"
"Visual Supports: Personal and Classroom Based Supports"
"Enhancing Communication Using Visual Strategies"

"Social Props and Books"

Home/Early Intervention
"Successful Communication at Home"
"Augmentative Communication: Let's Get Started!"

Software Programs
"BoardMaker for Beginners"
"Advanced BoardMaker"
"Make-It Take-It with BoardMaker"
"Speaking Dynamically Pro: Programming for Communication"

Assistive Technology
"A Morning of Assistive Technology"
"Student Access Map: A Guide to Accessing the Curriculum"
"Student Access Map: Format for Access to the Standards Using AT Supports"
"Facilitating Participation with and without Technology"
"Adaptive Technology"

Audiences - National, Regional and Local
Speech-Language Pathologists
Behavior Specialists
Assistive Technology Specialists
Occupational Therapists
Regular Educators
Undergraduate Students
Physical Therapists
Special Educators
Graduate Students

Alternative Communication
Linked Products

AAC overview handout copy
VTAAP Training: NCLB IDEA chart
VTAAP Training: Fast Facts-Alternate Assess
VTAAP Training: Fast Facts-Stnd Instr Ax

VTAAP Training: laws PPT
VTAAP Training: VTAAP in Educational Progms PPT
VTAAP Training: Wiggio_screen-shot_cheat_sheet
VTAAP Training: VTAAP forms
VTAAP Training: blank 5 STEPS
VTAAP Training: General Education Observation Activity
VTAAP Training: Monitoring Student Progress Options
VTAAP Training: Teaching vs Testing PPT
VTAAP Training: Assess Analyze Address chart
VTAAP Training: Assessment Tools
VTAAP Training: March 9 Handout Set
VTAAP Training: Math Teaching Child DS Skills
VTAAP Training: VT IEP Jan 2011 instructions
Communication Apps Training: Apps for Communication
Communication Apps Training: computer Core Vocabulary script
Communication Apps Training: Introducing Vocabulary
Communication Apps Training: Language FunctionsCore Vocabulary chart
Communication Apps Training: modeling core vocabulary
Communication Apps Training: Planning Matrix
Communication Apps Training: SGD feature list
Communication Apps Training: SGD target matrix
Communication Apps Training: SFL screen shots
Communication Apps Training: TSB tutorial
Communication Apps Training: TSS tutorial
Communication Apps Training: TSC tutorial
Communication Apps Training: Touch Chat tutorial
Communication Apps Training: PAS PPT
Core Vocabulary: Core Board Plasticore Instructions
Core Vocabulary: Core Vocabulary
Core Vocabulary: Give a Mouse a Cookie board
Core Vocabulary: Core Board 150 in BM
Core Vocabulary: Core Board 150 in pdf
Core Vocabulary: Core Vocabulary 1 webinar
Core Vocabulary: Core Vocabulary 2 webinar
DLM Common Core Essential Elements (edited)
Aided Language Input
Text Scripting
Partner Assisted Scanning
Getting Started with Communication App
Vocabulary Planners
Vocabulary Selection
Core Vocabulary Boards
IEP Goals
My Apps List
5 STEPS Training Binder
SGD Trial Steps: Procurement of Medicaid AAC Device