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AUCD Experts

Donna Yerby, MEd

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Discipline Coordinators:
Project/Program/Clinic Contacts:
Adult Clinic Coordinator
Education/Special Education
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership


•·         M.Ed. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1991, Special Education

•·         B.A. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1973, English Literature 


I have served as a learning specialist and educational diagnostician at the CDL since 2000 and became the Education Section Head in 2005.  From 2000-2005, I was also involved with All Kinds of Minds Institute, primarily in clinical program development at the Student Success Centers, based on the model developed by Dr. Mel Levine at the CDL.  My background includes teaching children in grades K-12, college students, adults with intellectual disabilities, design, and implementation of professional development modules for educators, and participation in national conferences on learning differences.  I enjoy spending time with my family, travel, cooking, reading, and writing and spend as much time as I can at the beach.


2000-present   Educational Diagnostician, Education Section Head, Director of Program for Young Adults, Clinical Center for the Study of Development and Learning, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC

2000-2005       Director of Clinical Development, Student Success Centers, All Kinds of Minds, Chapel Hill, NC

1999-2001       Clinical Instructor, Elementary Education Program  University of North                                                     Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

1996-1999       Special Education Teacher, North Chatham School, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

1990-1996       Special Education Teacher/Department Chair, East Cary Middle School, Wake County Schools

1973-present   Business owner/consultant, New Hope Productions, Inc., Apex, NC


Hobgood, A. & Yerby, D.. (2001). Surveyor of Academic Attainment.  Diagnostic assessment materials.  Student Success Center.  Chapel Hill, NC. 

Hobgood, A., Pohlman C. & Yerby, D.  Learning Planner. A web-based compendium of resources for students, parents, and teachers.  All Kinds of Minds.  Chapel Hill. NC.  

Levine, M., Pohlman, C. & Yerby, D. (2004).  Promoting Student Success.  All Kinds of Minds Institute.  Chapel Hill, NC.

Yerby, D. (2006) Improving Individual Instruction.  North Carolina Community College System Compensatory Education Program.  Raleigh, NC & Hickory, NC.

Yerby, D.  (2006) Linking Reading Difficulties and Neurodevelopmental Function.  Colegio Nueva Granada.  Bogota, Colombia.

Yerby, D.  (2006) Learning Plans for Children with Prader Willi syndrome.  Prader Willi Association National Conference.  Buffalo, NY.

Yerby, D.  (2006) Linking Math Skills with Neurodevelopmental Function.  Foundation for Prader Willi Research.  Louisville, Ky. 

Wheeler, A. & Yerby, D.,  (2007) Speak Up! Action Manual for Peer Leader Teams.  UNC-CDL Reviewers. 

Woodward Communications. UNC Center for Development and Learning, Chapel Hill, NC.

My clinical interests include identification of specific learning needs, linking academic skills with neurodevelopmental function, and differentiation of instruction to meet individual needs. Current research projects include a four-year study on development and remediation of writing skills and learning profiles of children with Prader Willi syndrome. I am also the team coordinator for the Young Adult Program at the CDL.