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AUCD Experts

Heather George, PhD

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Contact Information:
UCEDD Director
Discipline Coordinators:
Project/Program/Clinic Contacts:
Co-Director, Positive Behavior Support Project
Education/Special Education
Education: Administration
Education: Early Intervention/Early Childhood
Education: General
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership


Louisiana State University, Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction with a specialization in Special Education and School Psychology (August, 2000)

Indiana State University, M.S. in Psychology (August, 1994)

Winona State University, B.A. in Psychology with a Minor in Sociology, Cum Laude (May, 1992)


2002-Present Research Assistant Professor/Coordinator, DARES/Department of Child and Family Studies, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL

2001-2002 Assistant in Research, DARES/Department of Child and Family Studies, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL

2001-Present Adjunct Faculty, College of Education, Departments of Psychological and Social Foundations and Special Education, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL


2004-Present Collaborating Partner with the Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

2003-Present Association for Positive Behavior Support

2001-Present Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, Guest Reviewer


Kincaid, D., George, H.P. & Childs, K.E. (in press). Review of "Positive Behavior Support Training Curriculum: Supervisory and Direct Support Editions." Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.

George, H. P., Harrower, J. K., & Knoster, T. K. (2003). School-wide prevention and early intervention: A process for establishing a system of school-wide behavior support. Preventing School Failure, Summer (4), 170-176

Knoster, T. & George, H.P. (2002). Realizing durable and systemic behavior change in schools: Guiding questions. Communique¢ Special Edition: Systemic Behavior Change, 30 (6) 34-37.

George, H. P. (2000). Comparing interventions on disruptive classroom behaviors derived from descriptive analysis, experimental analysis, and reinforcer assessment. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61, (08A), 3118.


Florida's Positive Behavior Support Project. Funded by the Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services with Florida's Department of Education to increase the capacity of school districts in individual, classroom and school-wide positive behavior support. Heather P. George, Co-Principal Investigator/Coordinator. $1,350,000/year. (10/01/04-Present).

Linked Projects

Florida School Climate Transformation Grant
Florida School Climate Transformation Grant
Florida School Climate Transformation Grant
Florida School Climate Transformation Grant
Florida School Climate Transformation Grant
Linked Products

Tier 1 PBS Training Manual
Tier 2 PBS Training Manual
Planning for Massive PBIS Scale-Up for States and Districts
Positive behavior support: Overview
Positive behavior support: Expectations

Positive behavior support: Primary Tier
Positive behavior support: Coaching/Facilitating
Merging PBS and RtI: Florida Multi-Tiered System of Supports Project
School-wide Systems and Training: Structured Networking
Coaching School-Level Problem-Solving: Supports Needed at the State and District Level
CICO - Getting Started
Refining Your CICO
Building a Tier 2/Tier 3 Evaluation Plan
Tier 1 PBS Training Manual revised
Expanding PBIS into Classrooms: The Fundamentals.
Implementation of the Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support (BP-PBS) Program in an Urban Elementary School
The Impact of a Teacher Preferred Group Contingency on Class- Wide Behavior: The Role of Data Based Decision Making
Technical adequacy of the SWPBIS tiered fidelity inventory.
An Evaluation of the Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Model within a Multi-tiered Intervention System.
PBIS Forum 15 Practice Brief: State Level PBIS Coordination.
PBIS Technical Brief on Classroom Strategies.
Program-Wide PBS and School-Wide PBIS Crosswalk.
Addressing Outcome Goals for the Whole Child through District and State Action Planning for PBIS.
The Fundamentals of PBIS in the Classroom.
Using PBIS Implementation Fidelity Data for Corrective Action Planning.
Teaming with PBIS: Maximizing Overall Success.
School-wide Systems and Training: Structured Networking.
International Ignite Session.
State PBIS Team Ignite Session
Infrastructure to Support PBIS Momentum.
Effective Leadership to Support PBIS.
Scaling Up: Moving Towards Tier 2 Supports.
Early Childhood: Integrating the Research Ptactices of the Pyramid Model into School-wide PBIS.
District Exemplars of PBIS Implementation.
Building and Sustaining PBIS District Leadership Teams.
District Planning for PBIS
Establishing Tier 2 Systems
Technical adequacy of the SWPBIS tiered fidelity inventory
Presidents Message
President's Message
Floridas Positive Behavior Support Project: 2015-2016 Annual Report.
PBIS Technical Brief on Systems to Support Teachers Implementation of Classroom Positive Behavior Support
Coaching: Supporting Effective Problem-Solving and Action Planning
Overview of Tier 2 PBIS: Supplemental Systems
Using PBIS Tier 1 Evaluation Tools: Examining Fidelity Data for Corrective Action Planning
PBIS: Getting Ready for Advanced Tiers
Understanding PBIS and School Climate Transformation
School-wide Systems and Training: Structured Networking
Infrastructure to Support PBIS Implementation: Building and Sustaining Momentum.
District Planning Using Goals to Evaluate Needs, Progress & Next Steps
Closing: New Directions in PBS in Florida Schools and Community
Effective School-wide Practices: Engaging Collaboration across Stakeholders
PBIS State-wide Summit
Coaching to Build Skills for Effective PBIS Implementation
Problem-Solving for Sustainability
State-Level Planning for PBIS
Examination School Climate, Victimization and Mental Health Problems Among Middle School Students Self-Identifying with Emotional Behavioral Disorders.
An Experimental Design Analysis of the Effects of School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports on Discipline in Florida.
The Impact of School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports on School Suspensions: A State-Wide Quasi-Experimental Analysis.
Exploring SWPBIS Implementation Outcomes in Rural and Urban Schools in Florida
Creating Safe and Effective Classrooms through Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Supporting All Students: How the PBIS Framework is Inclusive for All
Integrating school mental health: Lessons learned from three federal model demonstration projects
What's MTSS Got to Do with It?
Function-Based Support Across the Continuum
Enhancing PBIS to Promote Resilience During & After a Crisis.
Getting Started: Understanding Systems & Practices in PBIS
State Leaders' Network: Common Problems of Practice.
PBIS Implementation in Primary Schools
School-wide PBIS: Strengthening our Impact Together
Examining rural school implementation of positive behavioral supports across tiers
Exploring SWPBIS Implementation Outcomes in Rural and Urban Schools in Florida
Florida PBIS project 2021-2022 annual report
Establishing a rural regional cohort: Supporting fidelity of PBIS implementation in rural schools
Evaluating PBIS implementation in rural schools