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AUCD Experts

Melissa Mandrell, MSS, MLSP

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Contact Information:
57 Regional Dr, Ste 8 , Concord, NH, 03301
Discipline Coordinators:
Social Work
Social Work
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership

EXPERIENCE    Project Coordinator, Institute on Disability, October 2005-present University of New Hampshire Facilitate implementation of new family caregiver program for older adults and people with chronic illnesses in collaboration with New Hampshire Bureau of Elderly and Adult Services. Implemented Medicaid Real Choice Grant to integrate affordable housing with long term supports, in conjunction with NH Department of Health and Human Services and NH Housing Finance Authority. Analyzed state and federal rules and policies to recommend changes to existing programs and policies, as well as new policies. Perform research to evaluate current Medicaid-funded assisted living providers and funding levels.   Autism Care Coordinator, June 2005-October 2005 Easter Seals of New Hampshire Provided case management for individuals with autism and their families as part of developing Autism Network. Supervised Family Support Coordinator in development of support groups, peer to peer counseling. Assisted in strategic planning for development of Autism Network   Project Director/Assistant Administrator, November 1999-June 2005 Children’s Mental Health Services, State of NH Bureau of Behavioral Health Developed and implemented statewide policy and programming and coordinated activities among multiple state, local and family agencies. Project director for CARE NH, a grant initiative for system of care development. Provided consultation and technical assistance to children’s program directors at community mental health centers. Ensured compliance with federal and state mandates for a variety of programs. Wrote and monitored progress of children’s portion of federal mental health block grant. Consulted with families receiving services in mental health system.   Interim Director, Social Work Department, February 1997-July 1997 Senior Psychiatric Social Worker, September 1996-October 1999 New Hampshire Hospital As Interim Department Director Supervised department of thirty social workers and case managers. Participated on Hospital Executive Committee during JCAHO and HCFA reviews. Developed and implemented policies and procedures. Assessed and provided for neuropsychiatry patients’ clinical needs. Coordinated evaluation by multidisciplinary team. Advocated for patient and family needs.   Administrator/Research Assistant, November 1991-September 1996 Mental Health Clinical Research Center, The University of Iowa Screened and recruited research participants. Provided assessment, support and education to participants and families. Led collaboration of inpatient care team and research assistants to assure integration of patient treatment and research protocols. Coordinated and reviewed all grant applications for individuals affiliated with center. Managed all financial aspects of five federal grants totaling over $2 million annually. Supervised personnel activities for 40 employees, including hiring and evaluations. Directed computer hardware/software purchases and networked systems.    Manager of Donor Choice Program, June 1989-August 1991 Community Planning Intern, June 1988-May 1989 United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Oversaw agency funding eligibility process. Interpreted Board policies relating to agency eligibility. Supported volunteers in evaluation of small nonprofit agencies for funding. Researched and wrote policy papers recommending directions for future allocations.   Program Development Intern, September 1987-May 1988 Jewish Family and Children’s Services, Philadelphia, PA Developed information and referral directory for people with developmental disabilities and their families. Supported parents’ group in writing successful grant proposal.

Seniors, Informal Caregiver and Family Support, Real Choice Systems Transformation