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AUCD Experts

Scott Akins, DO

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Contact Information:
Associate UCEDD Director
Discipline Coordinators:
Human Development/Child Development
AUCD Council Membership:
No Council Membership


Name: LCDR R. Scott Akins, DO, FAAP

Current Positions: Fellow, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
M.I.N.D. Institute
Department of Pediatrics, U.C. Davis
Sacramento, CA

Instructor, General Pediatrics
Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences
Bethesda, MD

CATCH Facilitator
Chapter East, American Academy of Pediatrics

Office Address: Naval Hospital Jacksonville
2080 Child Street
Jacksonville, FL 32214-5000

1998 Midwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
Doctor of Osteopathy

1994 Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
Bachelor of Arts

1990 Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education, Cuernevaca, Mexico

Postdoctoral Training:

2007- Current Fellow, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
M.I.N.D. Institute
Department of Pediatrics, U.C. Davis
Sacramento, CA
2001 Chief Resident, Department of Pediatrics
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Virginia
1999- 2001 Pediatric Residency
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Virginia
1998-1999 Pediatric Internship
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Virginia

Licensure and Certification:

2003 Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics
2001 Diplomat, American Board of Pediatrics
2000 Board of Medicine, Commonwealth of Virginia
1999 National Board of Medical Examiners

Academic Appointments:

2007- Current Fellow, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
M.I.N.D. Institute
Department of Pediatrics, U.C. Davis
Sacramento, CA

2001-2007 Instructor, Department of Pediatrics
University of Florida
Jacksonville, FL

1999-current Instructor of Pediatrics
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Bethesda, MD

Major Administrative Responsibilities:

Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Florida: 2001-2006
• Chairman, Department of Pediatrics 2004-2006
• General Pediatrician and Instructor, Department of Pediatrics 2001-2006
• Director, Pediatric Graduate Medical Education 2001-2006
• Continuity Clinic Director, Department of Pediatrics 2001-2006
• Director, Level II Nursery 2002-2003
• Instructor, Pediatric Advanced Life Support 2001-2006
• Instructor, Neonatal Resuscitation Program 2001-2006
• Member, Critical Care Committee 2002-2004
• Member, GME Committee 2001-2004
• Member, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee 2001-2006
• Member, Department of Defense, Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee 2004-2006


Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Virginia: 1998-2001

• Chief Resident, Department of Pediatrics 2000-2001
• Instructor, Pediatric Advanced Life Support 2000-2001
• Instructor, Neonatal Resuscitation Program 2000-2001
• Member, Residency Training Advisory Group 2000-2001
• Coordinator, Pediatrics Board Review Course 2000-2001
• Course Director, Military Medical Humanitarian Assistance Course 2000-2001
• Program Representative, American Academy of Pediatrics 1999-2001
• Director of Pediatrics, Chesapeake Free Care Clinic 1999-2001
• Developed and Coordinated Transport Curriculum 2000-2001
• Developed and Coordinated Ethics Curriculum 2000-2001


Professional Societies:

2003-current Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics
Section membership: Uniformed Services, Community Medicine, Behavior and Development

1998-2001 American Academy of Pediatrics, Resident Member

1998-2001 American Medical Association, Member

Military Service:

1994 Commission: Ensign, USNR

1998 Promotion: Lieutenant, USNR

2004 Promotion: Lieutenant Commander, USNR

Awards and Honors:

2007 Navy Accommodation Medal, Naval Hospital Jacksonville, FL

2006 "We Care Award," Naval Hospital Jacksonville

2005 Teaching Department of the Year, Family Medicine Residency Program

2005 Meritorious Unit Commendation, Naval Hospital Jacksonville

2003 Family Practice Program, Admiral Melvin Museles Award
"Teacher of the Year, Family Practice Residency Program"
Naval Hospital Jacksonville, FL

2002 Navy Achievement Medal, Naval Hospital Jacksonville, FL
Exemplary performance as General Pediatrician

2002 "We Care Award", Naval Hospital Jacksonville, FL

2001 "We Care Award", Naval Hospital Jacksonville, FL

2001 Navy Achievement Medal, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, VA
Exemplary performance as Chief of Pediatric Residents

2000 Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, VA

1994-1998 Naval Health Professions Scholarship Program

1994 National Defense Ribbon

Military Training:

2001 Advanced Pediatric Life Support
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Virginia

1999 Combat Casualty Care Course, Advanced Trauma and Life Support
San Antonio, TX

1999 Humanitarian Assistance Course
Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences

Description of Professional and Teaching Experience:

U.C. Davis M.I.N.D. Institute, Department of Pediatrics: 2007-current

• Fellow, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Research and clinical practice in conditions effecting the development and behavior of typical children and children with carious health conditions including autism, Down syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and other specific genetic conditions. Responsible for teaching resident and medical students.

Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Department of Pediatrics: 2001-2007

• Chairman, Department of Pediatrics,
Supervised and led 40 employee, 8 practitioner Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Responsible for direct care of over 8,000 children and teens, primarily responsible for design and implementation of pediatric policy for inpatient and outpatient services at Naval Hospital Jacksonville and for South East region of United States.

• Pediatric Representative, Department of Defense Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee,
Sole pediatric representative to the Department of Defense P&T Committee, provided expert opinion and frequently presented lectures regarding P&T Policy in general and specifically for pediatric issues. Committee's efforts in 2005 resulted in over 500 million dollars in cost avoidance. Total budget managed in 2006 was over 7 billion dollars.

• Director of Pediatric Graduate Medical Education, Coordinated lecture series, developed pediatric clinical curriculum and supervised instruction of Family Practice residents and University of Florida Pediatric residents, USUHS and HPSP medical students including inpatient, outpatient, and nursery services.

• Direct clinical responsibilities in same areas.

• Consultative services to Department of Family Practice for inpatient, outpatient and newborn nursery care.

• Ongoing instructor/course director for PALS, and NRP courses for physicians, nurses, emergency personnel and ancillary staff. Approximately 3-4 courses per year with 20-30 students per course.

• Teaching responsibilities for pediatric residents, rotating interns, pediatric nurse practioners and USUHS, University of Florida and HPSP medical, physician assistant and nurse practitioner students.

• Directed University of Florida pediatric resident continuity clinics.

• CATCH Facilitator, Uniformed Services East Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics

Research and Presentations:

Abstracts presented:

• Western Society for Pediatric Research, R. Akins, R. Hagerman Fragile X Premutation, Seizures and Autism with Regression Oral presentation of abstract at the WSPR Meeting, Carmel, CA Jan 30- Feb 2, 2008

• Pediatric Academic Society Roger Akins, Paula Krakowiak, Lisa Croen, Irva Hertz-Picciotto, Robin L. Hansen, Utilization of Conventional and Alternative Services and Treatments in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Children with Developmental Delays Presentation of poster at the annual PAS meeting Honolulu, HI, May 2-6, 2008

• International Fragile X Meeting Roger Akins, DO, Sarah Coffey, MPH, Antonia Boyd, BS, Danh Nguyen, PhD, Randi Hagerman, MD High Frequency of Migraine in Fragile X Premutation Carriers, Oral presentation of abstract, International Fragile X Conference, July 23, 2008, St. Louis, MO



