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AUCD Experts

Joy Hammel, PhD

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Contact Information:
326 HHDSB , Chicago, IL,
Discipline Coordinators:
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Linked Projects

Society for Disability Studies
Society for Disability Studies
R10: Assessing Community Environments and Participation with People with I/DD: A Consumer Directed Approach
Linked Products

The impact of assistive technology and environmental interventions on function and living situation status with people who are aging with DD
A model of university-community partnerships for occupational therapy scholarship.
The Identification and Evaluation of Best Practice Assistive Technology and Universal Design Solutions and Services for Older Adults with Intellectual
Assistive Technology and Occupation.
Increasing Access to Assistive Technology Financing: Older adult use of the national Alternative Financing Program.

Assistive Technology as Tools for Everyday Living and Community Participation while Aging.
Documenting Outcomes of Occupational Therapy: A Conceptual Perspective
Developing and Evaluating Community-based Services Through Participatory Action Research: Three Case Examples.
Documenting Outcomes of Occupational Therapy: A Conceptual Perspective
Developing and Evaluating Community-based Services Through Participatory Action Research: Three Case Examples
A Model of University-Community Partnerships for Occupational Therapy Scholarship
A Participatory Program Evaluation of a Systems Change Program to Improve Access to Information Technology by People with Disabilities
Moving out of the nursing home: Building community capacity and fostering public policy change through community based participatory research.
Social Action Project: Trainer's Manual for Supporting People with Disabilities to Transition to Community Living
Social Support and Social Network Mobilization in Older African American Women who have Experienced Strokes
A Model of University-Community Partnerships for Occupational Therapy Scholarship
A Participatory Program Evaluation of a Systems Change Program to Improve Access to Information Technology by People with Disabilities
Moving out of the nursing home: Building community capacity and fostering public policy change through community based participatory research.
Social Action Project: Trainer's Manual for Supporting People with Disabilities to Transition to Community Living
Assistive technology and environmental intervention (AT-EI)
Examining barriers and supports to community living and participation after a stroke from a participatory action research approach
Participation: a comparative analysis of multiple rehabilitation stakeholders' perspectives
Consumer-directed goal planning in the delivery of assistive technology services for people aging with intellectual disabilities