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AUCD Experts

Jennifer Sulewski, PhD

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Leadership Administrative Staff:
Senior Research Associate and Project Manager
Discipline Coordinators:
Social policy
AUCD Council Membership:
Council on Research and Evaluation
Multicultural Council
No Council Membership

Jennifer Sulewski, Ph.D., FAAIDD is a national expert on community life engagement (CLE) for people with disabilities and current PI of a NIDILRR Field Initiated Research project involving development and testing of a Community Life Engagement Guidepost Fidelity Scale for service providers. She has led several research and evaluation projects over her 20 years at the ICI, including development of the Community Life Engagement Toolkit, several case studies of effective day services and supports, survey research with state IDD agencies and local service providers, and a set of case studies of collaboration across vocational rehabilitation and higher education entities. She is a Fellow of the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and past co-chair of the Disabilities and Other Vulnerable Populations Topical Interest Group of the American Evaluation Association. She received her Ph.D. in Social Policy from Brandeis University in 2006, with a dissertation titled In Search of Meaningful Daytimes: Community-Based Nonwork Supports for Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Her passion for inclusion is rooted in her lived experience as someone who is hard of hearing.
