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AUCD Experts

William MacLean, PhD

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UCEDD Director
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Improving Health Care Access for People with DD in WY
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No Council Membership
?Recent Publications Hartley, S.L., MacLean, W. E., Jr., Butler, M., Zarcone, J., & Thompson, T. ?(2005). Maladaptive behaviors and risk factors among the genetic subgroups of Prader-Willi?Syndrome.? American Journal of Medical Genetics, 136A, 140-145. Hartley, S.L., & MacLean, W.E., Jr.? (2005). Perceptions of stress and coping strategies among?adults with mild mental retardation: Insight into psychological adjustment.? American Journal?on Mental Retardation, 110, 285-297. Hartley, S.L., & MacLean, W.E., Jr. (2006). Reliability and validity of Likert-type scales for people?with intellectual disability.? Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 50, 813-827. ? Horrell, S.V., MacLean, W.E., Jr., & Conley, V.M. (2006). Patient and parent/guardian perspectives?of the health care of adults with mental retardation.? Mental Retardation, 44, 239-248. Roebel, A.M. & MacLean, W.E., Jr.? (2007). Spontaneous eye-blinking and stereotyped behavior in older persons with mental retardation.? Research in Developmental Disabilities, 28, 37-42.? ? Hartley, S. L., Horrell, S. V., & MacLean, W. E., Jr.? (2007). Science to practice in intellectual?disability:? The role of empirically supported treatments.? In J.W. Jacobson, J.A. Mulick &?J. Rojahn (Eds.), Handbook of intellectual and developmental disabilities (pp. 425-443).?New York, NY: Springer. Hartley, S.L. & MacLean, W.E. (2007). Staff-averse challenging behavior in older adults with intellectual disabilities.?? Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 20, 519-528. MacLean, W. E., Jr. (2008).? Mental retardation. ?In E. Anderman (Ed.), Psychology of classroom learning: An encyclopedia.? Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA. Hartley, S.L. & MacLean, W.E. (2008).? Coping strategies of adults with mild intellectual disability for stressful social interactions.? Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 1, 109-127.? Hartley, S.L., Lickel, A. H., & MacLean, W.E., Jr. (2008).? Reassurance-seeking and depression in adults with mild intellectual disability.? Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52, 917-?929. MacLean, W. E., Jr. (2008).? Special Olympics:? The rest of the storey.? Research and Practice for?Persons with Severe Disabilities, 33(3), 146-149. Hartley, S.L. & MacLean, W.E., Jr. (2009). Stressful social interactions experienced by adults with mild?intellectual disability.? American Journal on Mental Retardation, 114, 71-84. Hartley, S.L. & MacLean, W.E., Jr. (2009). Stressful social interactions, attributions, and coping in?depressed adults with mild intellectual disability.? American Journal on Mental Retardation, 114,?147 - 160.? Hepburn, S.L., & MacLean, W.E., Jr. (2009). Maladaptive and repetitive behaviors in children?with Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders:? Implications for screening. Journal?of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 2(2),67-88.