Lisa Voltolina, B.A., is the Administrative Coordinator for the Oregon Office on Disability and Health (OODH). Working closely with Angela Weaver and OODH staff, Lisa coordinates the implementation of projects and activities to improve the quality of life among Oregonians with disabilities.
In 2006, Lisa earned dual Bachelor of Arts degrees in English Language and Literature and Creative Writing from Fairleigh Dickinson University. As a representative of OODH, she participates on the planning committee for the Disability Art and Culture Project's bi-annual Art and Culture Festival and is currently working with community members to hold an art exhibition exploring the intersections of art and disability.
Lisa's professional interests and activities include positive behavior management, improved implementation of inclusive education strategies in public school systems, and the role of art and self-expression in overall health and well-being. She is currently earning her Masters in Special Education at Portland State University.