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AUCD Experts

Janice Sabin, MSW, PhD

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Discipline Coordinators:
Social Work
Social Work
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Janice A. Sabin


Research Assistant Professor

eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login) sabinja


EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, include postdoctoral training and residency training if applicable.)



(if applicable)



Boston University, Boston, MA



Bachelor of Liberal Studies

University of Washington, Seattle, WA



Health/Mental Health, Clinical

University of Washington, Seattle, WA



Social Welfare

A. Positions and Honors

Positions and Employment

1993 - 1999 Research Assistant, School of Nursing, School of Social Work

2000 - 2001 Social Work Intern, Fairfax Hospital, inpatient acute care psychiatric hospital, adolescent

2000 - 2001 Social Work Intern, Seattle Children's Hospital, Pediatric Pulmonary Center, Pulmonary Division

2001 - 2003 Medical Social Worker, Seattle Children's Hospital, Craniofacial Clinic

2002 - 2006 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Washington, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center

2006 - 2007 Research Associate, University of Washington, School of Social Work

2007 - Faculty, Center for Clinical and Epidemiological Research, Partnerships for Native Health, School of Medicine, University of Washington

2007 - 2009 Acting Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Department of Medical Education Biomedical Informatics

2009 - Pulmonary Division, University of Washington, Seattle Children's Hospital Pediatric Pulmonary Center, health disparities curriculum design for multidisciplinary trainees,

2009 - Research Assistant Professor, University of Washington, School of Medicine, Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education

Other Experience and Professional Memberships

2002 - American Public Health Association

2005 - Society for Epidemiologic Research

2010 - Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS), Scholar

Areas of Interest:

•· Health disparities and health equity, social determinants of health

•· Patient-provider communication skills building

•· Health care delivery to health disparity populations

•· Culturally tailored health communication, health literacy

•· Workforce diversity

•· Interprofessional education

•· The science of unconscious bias (UB) and effects of UB on medical care

Teaching Areas of Interest:

•· Curriculum design focusing on racial/ethnic health inequity, web-based, multilevel focus

•· The science of unconscious bias, racial discrimination, health and healthcare disparities

•· Clinical training of multidisciplinary health professionals with an emphasis on delivery of services to minority populations

•· Health practice, health services, health policy, health/mental health and culture

B. Peer-reviewed Publications

•1. Sabin, J. A., Zatzick, D. F., & Rivara, F. P. (2005). A role for school health personnel in supporting children and families following childhood injury, J Sch Health, 75, (4), 141-144. PMID:15988840

•2. Zatzick, D. F., Russo, J., Grossman, D. Jurkovich, G., Sabin, J., Berliner, L., & Rivara, F. (2005). PTSD and depressive symptoms, alcohol use, and recurrent traumatic life events in a representative sample of injured adolescents and their parents, J Pediatr Psychol, 31 (4), 377-387. PMID:16093520

•3. Zatzick, D. F., Grossman, D., Russo, J., Pynoos, R., Berliner, L., Jurkovich, G., Sabin, J., McCauley, E., Ghesquiere, A., & Rivara, F. (2006). Predicting posttraumatic stress symptoms longitudinally in a representative sample of hospitalized injured adolescents. Am J Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 45 (10), 1188-1195. PMID:17003664

•4. Sabin, J. A., Zatzick, D. F., Jurkovich, G., & Rivara, F. P. (2006). Primary care utilization and detection of emotional distress among traumatically injured adolescents: Identifying an unmet need. Pediatrics, January, 117 (1), 130-138. PMID:1639687

•5. Sabin, J. A., Rivara, F. P., Greenwald, A. G. (2008). Physician implicit attitudes and stereotypes about race and quality of medical care, Medical Care, 46 (7) July 2008, 678-685. PMID:18580386

•6. Sabin, J. A., Nosek, B. A., Greenwald, A. G., Rivara, F.P., (2009). Physician implicit and explicit attitudes about race by MD race/ethnicity and gender. J of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 20 (3), 903-920. PMID:19648715, NIHMS365001

•7. Spigner, Rees, Galvin, Sabin, Davis, Dick, Young, (2011). A Qualitative Assessment of Personal and Social Responsibility for Kidney Disease: Increasing Kidney Disease Awareness Network (IKAN) Transplant Project, J National Medical Association, 103(9-10). PMID:22364056

•8. Cooper, L. A., Roter, D., Carson, K. A., Beach, M., Sabin, J. A., Greenwald, A. G., Inui, T.S., 2012. Implicit Racial Bias among Clinicians, Communication Behaviors, and Patient Ratings of Interpersonal Care, American Journal of Public Health 102 (5). PMID:2420787

•9. Sabin JA, Greenwald AG, 2012.The Influence of Implicit Bias on Treatment Recommendations for Four Common Pediatric Conditions: Pain, Urinary Tract Infection, ADHD, and Asthma, American Journal of Public Health 102 (5). PMID: 22420817

•10. Sabin, Marini, and Nosek, (2012) Physician Implicit and Explicit Attitudes about Weight by MD Gender, BMI and Race/Ethnicity, PLoS One, November 7, 2012

•11. Squyer, E., Stamper, D. L., Hamilton, D. T., Sabin, J. A., Leopold, S. S., (2013 in press), Use of the unloader brace for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research

Linked Projects

Health Disparities Education
Providing Trainee Opportunities for Health Disparities Internships
Health Disparities Education
Providing Trainee Opportunities for Health Disparities Internships
Health Disparities Education
Linked Products

The Influence of Implicit Bias on Treatment Recommendations for Four Common Pediatric Conditions: Pain, Urinary Tract Infection, ADHD, and Asthma
A qualitative assessment of personal and social responsibility for kidney disease: Increasing kidney disease awareness network (IKAN) transplant project
Implicit racial bias among clinicians, communication behaviors, and patient ratings of interpersonal care.
The influence of implicit bias on treatment recommendations for four common pediatric conditions: pain, urinary tract infection, ADHD and asthma.
Use of the unloader brace for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis

Healthcare Disparities: Patients and Providers, an e-learning course
Successful model of interprofessional clincal and leadership graduate education for the disciplines of medicine, nursing, nutrition, and social work.
Implcit Bias in Health Care: Pediatric residents
Implcit Bias in Health Care: Pediatric Grand Rounds
Implcit Bias and Workforce Diversity: PPC Community advisory Committee
Roundtable discussion: Diversity, Faculty trainee hosptal QI
Lifetime Rates and Sociodemographic Correlates of Physiatric DIsorders Among Asian Amricans in the Unite States: Results from the National Latino and Asian American Study
Providers' Implicit and Explicit beliefs about Mental illness and clnical competencies in Recovery
Healthcare Provider's implicit and Explicit attitudes toward lesian women and Gay Men by Profession, Gender, Sexual Identity, and Race/Ethnicity
Implicit and Explicit Attitudes about Weight and Race and Their Association with Weight Management of American Indian Children
The Yale student and Policeman
Equtable Imagery in the Pre-Clinical Medical School Curriculum
Qualitative Assessment of Patient Educational Materials: The Role of Phenomenology in Assessing Patients' Preceptions for Seeking information about Kidney dsease
The Vince Project:
The influence of Continuing education on Indian Health Service primary care providers self-rated weight management approaches for American Indian Children
Unconscious Bias in Healthcare
Unconscious Bias in Medical care
Recognizing Unconscious Bias in search process - An interactive workshop
Unconscious Bias in Healthcare
Pediatri Health Disaparities
Use of Reflective Pedagogy to teach about and to assess unconscious bias that iimpacts patient health outcomes
Health Disparities and Unconscus Bias in the Clinical Setting: An Action Oriented Approach, Sabin: Unconscious Bias in Medicine
Pediatric Grand Rounds: Community Advisory board
The Science of Unconscious Bias in the Context of Interprofessional Clinical Care
Toward Health Equity: Addressing Bias in healthcare
COmmuNity-engaged SimULation training for blood pressure control (CONSULT-BP): A study protocol
Implicit bias in pediatric cancer clinical trials: a study in academic and community based practice settings