Vicki Graff has more than 30 years of experience in internal and external communications, publishing, marketing, advertising, public relations, administration, teaching and training in a variety of academic, non-profit, and corporate settings. Her special interests are in health science, nutrition, and education. Ms. Graff came to Nisonger Center in 2005 to promote and publicize the Next Chapter Book Club, a community-based literacy and friendship program for adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities. She later coordinated all the clubs operating in the Columbus area. As Program Manager for Communications and Dissemination, Vicki promotes the Nisonger Center; disseminates results; manages internal and external communications; writes and edits the NisongerNews, brochures, ads, reports, grant proposals, strategic plans, online curricula and teachers' guides; updates the website and social media; chairs the dissemination committee and manages the marketing budget; designs internal promotional displays; and plans events.