State of the States Data Ambassadors


The State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Ongoing Longitudinal Data Project of National Significance (PNS) is pleased to partner with the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) in launching a new State of the States Data Ambassador Program. Our mission is to partner with the AUCD network to establish regional cohorts of UCEDD/LEND Trainees to become Data Ambassadors knowledgeable in administrative and national ID/DD data and data accessibility to advance leadership in policy, education, research, and practice. This five-year program will identify eleven trainees from across the nation annually to participate in national training and state-specific networking opportunities.

Ambassadors by Region

The goal of the Data Ambassador program is to identify at least one trainee per region for each cohort of the program to end up with 1 Ambassador per state and territory by the end of the five-year program. Here is how the program breaks down each region:

Learn about the first two cohort of Data Ambassadors: 

2024-2025: Cohort 2 Ambassadors | State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

2023-2024: Cohort 1 Ambassadors | State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Want to know more?

If you any questions regarding the Data Ambassador Program, please contact the Data Ambassador Program Lead, Gloria Gant and check out the State of the States Data Ambassador webpage.