Education and Advocacy: Know the Difference

As experts with lived experience and knowledge gained from training, research, and direct practice, we have a responsibility to engage in policy education and systems change. It is important to understand the ways you can engage as a representative of a federally funded training program and which actions should be reserved to your roles as private citizen.

Disability Policy News In Brief

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New to disability policy? No problem! Disability Policy News In Brief is a weekly newsletter that highlights the most pressing policy updates related to the disability community. Emerging Leaders will find In Brief particularly helpful when trying to understand how current legislation (being written, debated, or implemented) is relevant to their work. The newsletter also shares what AUCD network is doing on the advocacy front, and offers step-by-step instructions for how to get involved at the state and local levels. 

Tuesdays with Liz

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“Tuesdays with Liz” is a weekly video series highlighting current issues related to disability policy, breaking down complicated concepts and in way that is more easily understood by all. These videos are usually no more than five minutes long, hosted by Liz Weintraub (a long-time disability advocate and AUCD staff member) and produced by AUCD.

AUCD Policy Talk

AUCD Policy Blog iconAUCD Policy Talk features writing by both established and emerging leaders in the AUCD network and disability community about disability policy. We believe in all kinds of perspectives on disability as experienced through different ways. Storytelling about policy allows us to lift up real-life stories to connect individuals to our mission. AUCD’s believes in policies to improve the health, education, social, and economic well-being of all people with developmental and other disabilities, their families, and their communities by supporting our members in research, education, health, and service activities that achieve our vision. AUCD Policy Talk is where any person can find disability policy expertise from many voices in the field for a future in which all people, including those living with developmental and other disabilities, are fully included, participating members of their communities.

AUCD Policy Team

If you have any questions related to policy, feel free to contact AUCD's policy team. They are ready for any of your questions and ideas!

Cindy Smith
Director of Public Policy
Learn more about Cindy Smith.

Liz Weintraub 
Sr. Advocacy Specialist
Learn more about Liz Weintraub.

Shoshana Marin
Policy Fellow
Learn more about Shoshana Marin.

To get started, get familiar with foundational need-to-know disability policies. Once you're ready, see the different and effective ways to make an impact.