2023 Disability Policy Seminar Orientation and Policy Education 101 Workshop: Preparing to Educate Policymakers in DC and at Home

Wednesday, April 12, 2023
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Webinar Description:

This workshop helped trainees learn how to educate policymakers in DC and at home. It also taught trainees how to connect their experience and expertise to policy. Finally, the workshop helped prepare trainees for the virtual 2023 Disability Policy Seminar that was on Monday, April 24th, and the fly-in hill day on Thursday, April 27th. 

AUCD’s Policy Team and Invited Guests reviewed:

  • the basics of how the federal government works;
  • received tips for meeting with and educating policymakers; and
  • how to frame policy priorities for effective impact.

For Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Leaders, the workshop helped address Policy, one of the 12 Maternal and Child Health Leadership Competencies.


View recording link https://vimeo.com/817292637?share=copy


If you attended the webinar, please complete the webinar Evaluation!


Meeting Materials 


Presented by AUCD's Policy and Interdisciplinary Technical Assistance Center (ITAC) on Autism and Developmental Disabilities Teams


ITAC logo blue and green, ITAC A project of AUCD to support Autism CARES Programs

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