Preventing the Mismeasure of Young Children

Tuesday, January 18, 2022
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET

Webinar description

This webinar will help to prepare interdisciplinary professionals to become important team members and crucial partners to parents and teachers in the early childhood intervention field (e.g., teachers, speech/language pathologists; occupational therapists, physical therapists; early behavior specialists; and social workers). The course will help future team members to understand the climate, culture, and “best practices” in assessment and intervention for early childhood intervention, which are federally mandated/supported, professionally-sanctioned, and evidence-based. These “best practices” are both professionally-sanctioned by the major national professional organizations and have practice-based evidence that supports their use (e.g., NAEYC, DEC, NASP, APA-Division 16, AOTA, APTA, ASHA). Thus, this webinar will help participants to understand, select, and use various authentic assessment formats & strategies for young children who are at-developmental-risk (due to poverty & ACE), and/or with disabilities and associated behavioral disorders and chronic health conditions.

Participants will learn

Participants will learn to select and use authentic assessment team models, modes, and measures to: (1) describe childrens’ development and behavior in functional ways; (2) describe parent/family and program/context characteristics; (3) “orchestrate” interdisciplinary team functioning via parent-professional partnerships (4) identify goals for IFSP/IEP program planning: (5) sensitively monitor performance-progress in intervention programs; (4) enable teachers, parents and caregivers, and other professionals to collect evidence of children’s daily functioning in natural everyday settings and routines; (6) conduct applied program evaluation quality research to improve schools, agencies, and human service programs; and (7) document the impact and outcomes of intervention programs; (8) demonstrate their accountability to state and federal funding agencies.

This is a webinar by sponsored by AUCD's Early Childhood Special Interest Group.

Reference Texts

  • Bagnato, SJ (2010). LINKing Authentic Assessment & Early Childhood Intervention: Best Measures for Best Practices. (2nd Edition). Baltimore, MD: Paul Brookes Publishing Co, Inc.
  • Bagnato, SJ, (2007). Authentic Assessment for Early Childhood Intervention: Best Practices. NY: Guilford Press.
  • Bagnato, SJ, (1990). Temperament & Atypical Behavior Scale (TABS): Early Childhood Indicators of Developmental Dysfunction. Baltimore, MD: Paul Brookes Publishing Co., Inc.


Headshot Mark Crenshaw

Dr. Stefano J. Bagnato, Ed.D., NCSP, Professor of Psychology & Pediatrics; Schools of Education & Medicine; Department of Health & Human Development, Applied Developmental Psychology program; Founder & Faculty Mentor, Early Childhood Partnerships (ECP), affiliated with UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh through the UCLID-LEND Disabilities Institute (Department of Pediatrics & Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation)  ( 



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Authentic Assessment A Venerable Idea Whose Time is Now [download]

Authentic Assessment as Best Practice for Early Childhood Intervention: National Consumer Social Validity Research [download]

Utility and Validity of Authentic Assessments and Conventional Test for International Early Childhood Intervention Purposes: Evidence from U.S. National Social Validity Research [download]

Presentation Slides [download]

Presentation Transcript [download]

Archived Recording

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Archived Recording