ED&I Action Plan Implementation Coaching Workshop

Thursday, August 4, 2022
3:00pm - 4:30pm ET

Workshop Description:

Across the network, UCEDDs have embedded the ED&I Action Plan into their core grant applications and made strong organizational commitments to implementation. Still significant funding, capacity, organizational, and institutional barriers exist to implementation of the plan.

Join us for a coaching workshop focused on common implementation challenges and learn alongside network peers how to make a more meaningful and sustainable impact at your UCEDD.

During the workshop we will breakout into rooms on the following topics:

  • Data Collection and Reporting to Measure Progress
  • Staff Training and Development to Build Capacity
  • Making and Sustaining Action of Self-Assessment Data

Choose a breakout room and come prepared with 1) a challenge you faced related to the breakout topic and 2) a strategy you found successful to address the challenge.

ED&I Coaches will be facilitating the breakout activities. Individual coaching is available for UCEDDs. For more information and to sign up for a coaching consultation call, please see our ED&I Coaching page.

Please Note:

  • There is no cost for this workshop.
  • CEUs are not offered for this workshop.
  • This webinar will be held on the Zoom Platform. You can test your connection with Zoom before joining the meeting here.
  • CART captioning will be available for this webinar. If you need CART, please request it using our form so we can ensure CART in your breakout discussion. For additional accommodations, email [email protected].
  • This workshop will be archived, but breakout rooms will not be recorded.

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Event Transcript [download]

Power Point Slides [download]

Archived Recording

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Archived Recording