June 21, 2024
Volunteers from SD LEND help with SD Special Olympics Healthy Athletes campaign at the Summer Games in Vermillion, SD, 2024.
Athletes at this summer’s Special Olympics Summer Games in Vermillion, SD took care of their hearing , mental health, and physical fitness with the help of LEND trainees, alums, and discipline heads in between events at this summer’s games (2024), held in Vermillion, SD on the USD campus. This annual event has become a reunion, of sorts, for many of the LEND personnel (future, current, and former) who volunteer each year and connect with athletes who return for screenings and health education. One LEND discipline head observed: “I love the energy and positivity exuding from the athletes! They are so excited to share their stories and show us their medals when they come for their hearing screenings!”
SD LEND personnel from Audiology, Speech-Language Pathology, Clinical Psychology, Occupational Therapy, School Psychology, and Social Work volunteered at the event.
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