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NCPAD Dissemination of Information

Fiscal Year:
Contact Information:
Product Description:
The NCPAD website averaged over 2,300 visitors per week and an average of 6,700 pages searched per week. NCPAD information specialists provided personalized services to an average of 50 telephone, e-mail, or other contacts per week to people from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and 8 foreign countries. Staff of NcPAD and its collaborating partners presented at 21 national and 3 international conferences. NCPAD disseminated 21, 142 pieces of informational literature in print or alternative formats, including 14,693 factsheets, 4,730 monographs, 4,005 booklets and guides, and 415 printed versions of our newsletter. NCPAD distributed 11,373 promotional brochures and 3,160 other promotional items including t-shirts, water bottles, and toher NCPAD branded trinkets. NCPAD completed production of its first full exercise video program and began pre-production of a second.
Product/Publication Type(s):
Reports and monographs, Electronic Products, Web-based products, Other
Target Audience:
Alternative Format:
Electronic (disc, CD, 508 compliant web posting)
To Obtain Copies (URL or Email):
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