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Health Disparities Among Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Adults with Other Disabilities, and Adults Not Reporting Disability in North Carolina

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Havercamp, S.M., Scandlin, D., & Roth, M. (2004). Health Disparities Among Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Adults with Other Disabilities, and Adults Not Reporting Disability in North Carolina. Public Health Reports, 119, 418-426. The authors compared data on health status, health risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and access to medical care across three groups of adults. Data were gathered from the 2001 North Carolina BRFSS and a new surveillance instrument, the North Carolina National Core Indicators survey. Results. Adults with developmental disabilities reported the same or greater health risks compared to adults without disabilities. They were more likely to lead a sedentary lifestyle and seven times more likely to report inadequate emotional support. Similar rates of tobacco use and overweight /obesity were reported. For the most part, adults with developmental disabilities had the same or greater risk of chronic health conditions compared to adults without disabilities. Significant medical care utilization disparities were found for breast and cervical cancer screening as well as for oral health care. When compared to adults with other disabilities, adults with developmental disabilities presented a unique risk for inadequate emotional support and low utilization of breast and cervical cancer screenings. Conclusions. Significant disparities in health and medical care utilization were found for adults with developmental disabilities. Surveillance efforts are needed that targets the health status and needs of this population. The National Core Indicators protocol offers a sound methodology to gather this much needed surveillance information. Health promotion efforts must be specifically designed for this population.
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