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AIDD Core: The Communication Supports Inventory-Children & Youth (CSI-CY), a new instrument based on the ICF-CY Lay-language report

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Product Description:
Research article translated into lay language. The World Health Organization created a tool called the International Classification of Functioning-Children & Youth (ICF-CY) in 2007. This tool documents how well a child is able to function in terms of thinking, communication, mobility, social relationships and other major areas of functioning, as well as how much a child is able to participate in all areas of life. The ICF-CY is very long, since it covers all areas of development, and it is very difficult to score. Our interest is in how a child who cant talk very well communicates. We wanted to use the ICF-CY as the basis for a new tool that would describe how a child functions in terms of communicatingespecially if the child cant speak.
ICF-CY, communication, non-verbal, children
Product/Publication Type(s):
Reports and monographs
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Policymakers, Students
Alternative Format:
Visual Format or Large Print
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