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Let's Get to Work: Launching Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities into the Workforce

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Product Description:
Beginning in spring 2012, Wisconsins Lets Get to Work (LGTW) project spent four years working with pilot school sites and state agency personnel to implement practice and policy changes to elevate expectations and employment outcomes for youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). This need was underscored by discouraging data and policy obstacles hindering employment for youth with I/DD. To improve employment outcomes, LGTW used a multi-level approach including: 1) direct work with high school pilot sites to increase use of evidence-based transition practices and identify policy needs; 2) coaching to implement transition strategies and generate policy ideas; 3) consortium meetings with key stakeholders; and, 4) policy work to take action on school and consortium recommendations. Over the course of the project, 73% of students who received interventions through the project had one or more paid work experience, a strong predictor of employment in adulthood.
transition, competitive employment, intellectual and developmental disabilities
Product/Publication Type(s):
Peer-reviewed publications in scholarly journals submitted
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