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Positive Behavior Supports Training Curriculum

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Product Description:
Curriculum for 5 day training on Positive Behavior Supports. Includes high level of participation by trainees through the use of intermittent quizzes, homework assignments and small group presentations. Trainees are guided through the entire process from target behavior definition, data-collection/analysis and plan development. Plans include antecedent strategies, consequence strategies, replacement skills teaching, and quality of life enhancements. Certification is provided at the end of the course when a written exam is passed at 80% and an acceptable plan is supported for scoring. Follow-up sessions are provided monthly with trainees who have completed the course for ongoing support. A website was developed for dissemination of training materials.
Behavior, Functional analysis, Positive Behavior Supports
Product/Publication Type(s):
Academic Course Development
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Students
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