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Speech & Language Disorders

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Product Description:
Speech and language disorders are characterized by impaired comprehension and/or expression of spoken, written, and/or symbol systems. Speech and language disorders may involve (1) impairments with form (phonology, morphology, syntax), (2) content of language (semantics), and/or (3) function/use of language (pragmatics) (American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 1993). Children may be considered to have a language disorder when they have not learned to verbalize their needs and wants, and to understand and exchange messages. The language development process includes both receiving and sending information. A child?s speech is impaired when it deviates from the speech of other children his/her own age, often calling attention to itself. Children with language delays are those who do not acquire language when expected according to usual language acquisition milestones. Young children with severe disabilities may not develop oral language, which may result in their needing other strategies to communicate. Treatment for these children may include teaching them to use signs/gestures, point to pictures, and/or use devices that ?talk? to/for them.
Product/Publication Type(s):
Reports and monographs
Target Audience:
Consumers/Families, Professionals, Students
Alternative Format:
Visual Format or Large Print, Electronic (disc, CD, 508 compliant web posting)
To Obtain Copies (URL or Email):
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