The StartRight Teen Mentors of Mothers (MOMs) Program Year Three Evaluation Report: September 16, 2006 - September 15, 2007
Product Description:
This is the third annual report of evaluation findings for the StartRight Teen Mentors of Mothers (MOMs) program at Truman Medical Center, describing services from September 2007 - September 2008. During this time period the StartRight Program received a federal grant from the Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs to continue serving pregnant and parenting adolescents. The StartRight Teen MOMs Program matches participating adolescents with mentors who meet with them individually each week to provide emotional support and to assist them in obtaining the resources they need. In addition, individualized family plannning meetings are held to determine child, teen, and family goals. The evaluation analyzed data from intake, initial and follow-up teen surveys, mentor ratings of participants, mentor logs, birth outcome data, and program records. Program activities for adolescent participants, males, and other relative caregivers are also described.